Anglosubversion 303: Jesuitry, Zionism, and the controlled demolition of Russia
Notwithstanding common “New World Order” (NWO) speculative discourse here in the West often emphasizing the transpiration of events within the West, the Eastern side of the puzzle is of equal if not greater importance to sufficiently grasp, seeing the proliferation of Zionism’s political aspirations from its inception necessitated that very upheaval of Orthodox Russia long desperately sought by none other than Jesuit ultramontanists. Next to sola scriptura Protestantism, hardly anything was more clearly hateful to the reactionary Vatican’s one-world-control dream than the unrelentingly mighty Russian Empire, the bastion of Eastern Orthodoxy whose fledglings were protected under the Czar’s mantles.
As a highly simplistic and shortened overview: the Jesuit Order controls the London-situated Anglo-Masonic financial/military axis (nowadays the Jesuitic/Masonic subversion of every single nation has decentralized Britain from its once-chief prominence), which in turn were key historical sponsors of:
“classical liberal” laissez-faire/free trade capitalism (subset of Malthusianism)
white supremacist/imperialist slavery
“right-wing” Russian Okhrana autocrats
“left-wing” Russian anarchism
Marxist/Communist Bolshevism
“Christian Zionism”
Phase I: Anglo-Masonic/Zionist axis assassinates Garfield and Alexander II (cir. 1881)
For more info:
Pt. I: Anglo-Zionists remove petty ‘inconveniences’
Constituting “pt. III” of the mini-series will be this subsection. To continue and wrap up from what was left off: the very same Anglo-Masonic imperialist/financial cabal—whose interests were handed a lifeline by the conveniently timed assassination of American President James A. Garfield—were the chief propagators of political Zionism. British Prime Minister Lord Palmerston (by the way listed in some sources as a 33rd-degree Freemason12):3
…who became Britain's foreign minister in 1830, was an advocate of Jewish ‘restoration’ to Palestine.
Emigrationist ‘Christian Zionist’ endeavors
Palmerston’s fellow high-ranking associate (and apparent son-in-law) Lord Shaftesbury, a proponent of British Israelism4 (the propagation of political Zionism in Britain was essentially the work of nominal “Protestants” with British Israelite affiliation; this pseudo-“literal” racist framework is likely connected by a backdoor staircase to the Jesuits), proved an active campaigner for “a Jewish homeland in Palestine.”5 Popularizing the infamous Zionist propaganda slogan “a land without a people for a people without a land”:6
…he convinced the Anglican bishopric center and cathedral in Jerusalem to provide the early funding for this project.
Following a dinner conversation with Palmerston over Zionism in the summer of 1838, a “restorationist” (read: Christian Zionist) was installed as the first British vice consul in Jerusalem.7 Shaftesbury made his goals explicitly clear:8
…the Jews must be encouraged to return in yet greater numbers and become once more the husbandman of Judea and Galilee ... though admittedly a stiff-necked, dark hearted people, and sunk in moral degradation, obduracy, and ignorance of the Gospel, [they are] not only worthy of salvation but also vital to Christianity’s hope of salvation.
Take note right here that Shaftesbury simultaneously advocates Zionism as he peddles antisemitic canards with completely zero contradiction, not to mention his “dualistic” view on Jewish rejection of Christ. (Un)fortunately the gargantuan space of this posting limits any elaboration here into the sinister trappings of dualism and (Hegelian) dialectic, so for now let’s move on; Palmerston wrote on Aug. 11, 1840, to the British ambassador at Istanbul:9
There exists at the present time among the Jews dispersed over Europe, a strong notion that the time is approaching when their nation is to return to Palestine... It would be of manifest importance to the Sultan to encourage the Jews to return and to settle in Palestine because the wealth which they would bring with them would increase the resources of the Sultan’s dominions; and the Jewish people, if returning under the sanction and protection and at the invitation of the Sultan, would be a check upon any future evil designs of Mohamet Ali or his successor... I have to instruct Your Excellency strongly to recommend [the Turkish government] to hold out every just encouragement to the Jews of Europe to return to Palestine.
Hardly any of Europe’s Jewish population during this time (for the record) even contemplated a return to Palestine, let alone en masse “national restoration.”10 The foremost fanatical exponents of Zionist nationalistic endeavors then were the Anglo-Masonically British Israelite, faux “Protestant” zealots; Palmerston’s wife remarked:11
We have on our side the fanatical and religious elements, and you know what a following they have in this country. They are absolutely determined that Jerusalem and the whole of Palestine shall be reserved for the Jews to return to; this is their only longing to restore the Jews.
Sound cannily akin to the propaganda apparatus of John Hagee’s CUFI, you say? Pray tell, what new thing is there under the sun?12 ’Tis a shame millions of “Christian” Zionists today walk in the paths of Lord Palmerston instead of Lord Jesus.
1881: ‘coincidental’ double hitter, free trade and Zionism proliferated
Remember, Herzl’s Zionist activism was emboldened as a response to Russian pogromist antisemitism.13 Zionism promises itself as the salvation of Jews out of antisemitism, and so the game very quickly turns into “free market” supply-and-demand: if the supply of antisemitism is too insignificantly low to propel a convincing-enough Zionist propaganda among the Jewish community, better start manufacturing some pogroms to drive a frenzied atmosphere of desperation.
Czar Alexander II’s modernizing, industrialist reforms were paired with an upliftment of the Russian Empire’s Jewish communities:14
He abolished the cantonists’ school, admitted Jews to the high schools and universities, and by the laws of March 16, 1859, and of Nov. 27, 1861, he granted to Jewish scholars, university graduates, wholesale merchants, manufacturers, and (1865) artisans the privilege of settling, under certain conditions, outside of the Pale, in the interior provinces of Russia.
…the Russian Jews fully appreciated the good intentions of the czar and have always regarded him as their liberator. It is remarkable how quickly they availed themselves of the opportunity to become Russianized, especially in St. Petersburg and Moscow, in the centers of Jewish learning as Wilna, Kiev, and Odessa, and throughout southern Russia.
Garfield and his Secretary of State James G. Blaine, affiliated with the industrialist, neo-Hamiltonian, Careyite faction of the Republican Party, established close relations with Czar Alexander II to build up a multilateral coalition of industrialized, independent, thriving nations against the British imperialist/slavery/free trade/“laissez-faire” (the transatlantic slave trade, mind you, constituted unrestricted *free market* “capitalism”) complex. Alexander II previously assisted Lincoln during the Civil War against the Jesuitically/Anglo-Masonically backed Confederate slavocracy and found a reliable ally in Republican Henry C. Carey’s acolyte Wharton Barker, who in 1879 inspected the Russian fleet and was decorated with the Order of St. Stanislaus by the Czar and Grand Duke Constantine.15 Barker considered then-Ohio Congressman James A. Garfield an individual of “high principle” and in a Dec. 1879 letter urging the representative to run for president; following a Jan. 1880 meeting, Garfield agreed and the Careyites commenced a movement in support of his candidacy to smash the Anglophile Wall Street’s financial/political footing.16
Following Garfield’s narrowly secured ascension to the presidency, his selected team of protectionist Hamiltonians—Blaine in the State Department, William Windom dictating Treasury, and Louisiana anti-KKK leader William H. Hunt directing the Navy—promptly laid out a robust foreign policy outline emphasizing Russian modernization. A telegram dated Mar. 10, 1881:17
…informed Barker that the Tsar had ordered the acceptance of his concessions to help industrialize southern Russia, now that a government so favorable to his viewpoint was in place in Washington. A creative younger generation was beginning to work toward Mendeleyev’s vision of a powerful Russia, taking its rightful place beside its American ally. The 31-year-old railroad developer Sergei Witte would soon emerge to lead Russia’s progress out of feudalism, as an open advocate for the economic nationalism proving its success in America and Germany.
If only. No less than nine days after Garfield’s inauguration, Alexander II was assassinated on Mar. 13 by “far-left” anarchist, nihilist revolutionaries owned by… the British crown.18 Less than four months later, Garfield himself was shot, dying ultimately in September that year. Chester A. Arthur, an acolyte of the Anglophile/Wall Street “Stalwart” faction of the Republican Party as New York financial boss Roscoe Conkling’s chief spoils stoogeface, became president upon Garfield’s untimely death, appointed running mate during the 1880 election cycle to appease the Wall Street faction for “party balance” purposes.
By this point Alexander III already ascended to the throne of Czar and reverted Russia from his father’s modernist reforms into feudal, autocratic bloodshed: pogroms sharply rose in the southern region; the police during premeditated riots sabotaged Jewish defensive resistance to right-wing mobs; agitations dominoed.19 The door to Zionism was opening as intended: a colonization fund raised money in New York during Arthur lackey (and fellow Wall Street liaison) Frederick T. Frelinghuysen’s reign over the State Department after Garfield’s secretary Blaine departed.20 Under Alexander III, reactionized Russia refused to halt the mistreatment of its Jewish population, providing Zionists their ever-convenient opportune moment to present collective emigration as a resolution. The Western pressure—on the administration of Alexander III to end the pogroms—was also manipulated by the British in its “destabilization operation”21 of setting up anti-Czarist controlled opposition.
Britain’s double murder of Garfield and Alexander II, thereby destroying the very modernizing reforms that incrementally elevated Russian Jews out of institutional antisemitism, gave pivotal restoration of the pogromist to power who brazenly defended his anti-Jewish violence on the zombie pretext of “anti-anarchism,” the revolutionary nihilists’ existence ensuring their rightist enemies had an entity to scapegoat in justification of antisemitism, the exacerbation of which was seized upon to convince the persecuted Jews of their “need” to emigrate… to Palestine.
Pt. II: dialectical Russian anti-modernization—‘left-wing’ anarchy and ‘right-wing’ autocracy
The false battle between anarchy on the “left” and autocracy on the “right” epitomizes the circular dead ends of British divide-and-conquer dialectical manipulation: both extremes share at their darkest cores a mutual enemy, the realist modernizer exemplified by Alexander II and Sergei Witte.22
Nihilistic anarchism and revolutionary “socialism” never served any net benefit for the Russian Jewish community in spite of their set-up clashes with right-wing pogromists. To the pogromist, Jews were seen as both capitalist financiers and socialist goons plotting the destruction of autocratic traditionalism, and therefore the continuation of “left-wing” terrorism gave nothing but additional justifying pretext for right-wing counterrevolution and its (Anglo-Zionist-backed) destruction of Jewish communities. Zionism, just to stir up your remembrance with a tidbit extra detail:23
…was a fringe movement among Jews internationally, only achieving a mass base among those Eastern European Jews victimized by pogroms themselves touched off by Rothschild-organized anarchist terrorism in Russia and Poland.
Also, as Antony C. Sutton explains (18:32) on Bolshevism’s origins:
…the only answer I can come to is one of captive markets. The United States did not want another United States in the world. …what Wall Street wanted was a captive market, and of course socialism is a captive market because… the socialist system cannot innovate.
Phase II: right-wing pogromism catalyzes Zionism (1881–1921)
Zionism in the pre-WWII era was always most popular among the Eastern European section of the global Jewish community (Russia; Poland; Ukraine), by no coincidence the same region most brutalized at the hand of autocratic right-wing pogromists—two-fifths of all Zionist organizations then were located in the Russian Empire!24
Pt. I: ‘Police Socialism’
Anglo-Zubatovist ‘divide-and-conquer’ shenanigans
Under the “restored” statist autocracy of Alexander III and Nicholas II, the Okhrana (Russian secret police) actively facilitated anti-Jewish pogroms; one young administrator—Sergei Zubatov—proved vital.25 A syncretistic “trade union” movement was consolidated into government-operated authoritarian routines as a middleman “balance” between Fabian revolutionism and autocracy, forming a succinctly well-perfected proto-fascist bulwark of militarized sabotage against the “industrialist faction” (of Witte’s modernizers) that didn’t culminate to the level of outright anarchist revolution.26
Simultaneously co-opting socialist collectivism and endeavoring to pull the ground from beneath the socialists’ feet (sounds awfully familiar to the propaganda tactics of a certain “Duce,” not to mention a certain mustached Austrian painter who invaded Poland, eh?), the goal of “Zubatovism”:27
…was to enable workers to organize for narrow improvements in their working conditions within the existing system, under the supervision of the police, and, at the same time, to use police authority, to remove any revolutionary troublemakers (or industrialist troublemakers) from the scene. At the time, trade unions were prohibited, and Zubatov’s ‘unions,’ known as Zubatovshchina, came under the aegis of ‘mutual-aid’ societies, which were permitted.
The Zubatov program is standard British social-engineering practice for political control. Set up a program with the narrowest economic goals; focus on self-help, ethnic culture, and welfare programs; isolate political leadership by attacking them as ‘too intellectual’ and not ‘of the people’; and lavishly fund the whole works. As Zubatov commented, ‘It remains for the supra-class autocracy to divide and rule’ the other classes.
Also, surprise, surprise—the man himself in 1885:28
…became a member of Narodnaya Volya (People’s Will), the group responsible for the assassination of Tsar Alexander II in 1881.
Zubatovist–Zionist confluence sabotages Bundism
During the late Czarist era, the Jewish Workers Bund as a (non-Zionist and grassroots) defense legion was influential among the Jewish community in the Pale of Settlement; Zubatovist/Okhrana social engineering maneuvers as a countermeasure entailed actively supporting the Zionist Congress to drive a wedge between the Bund (IOWs, more British-style “divide-and-conquer”).29 Zubatov was in fact “the first among the Russians to encourage Zionism,” indoctrinating a “blood-and-soil” mentality into radicalized Jewish recruits.30
Although the Bund fiercely (and rightfully) denounced Zubatov’s co-opting of socialism as a reactionary farce, Zubatov’s formation of a faux “Jewish independent party”—to draw popular support away from the Bundists—succeeded in their recruitment of Jewish working class swaths in Odessa, Minsk, and Vilna.31 Among the “prize reruits” was Manya Vilbushewitz:32
She was a top trade union organizer for Zubatov’s police trade unions, an opponent of the Bund, a self-admitted terrorist, and, later, a leading Zionist organizer in Palestine.
Speaking of Odessa, there appears to be some (possible) convergence between (future British asset) Vladimir Jabotinsky’s early career and Zubatovist controllers.33
Pt. II: the ‘Protocols’ hoax
The very same Okhrana which employed Zionist propagator Zubatov also “discovered” and disseminated the infamous antisemitic hoax, The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion. In fact, the lead forger was “Zubatov’s counterpart” Pyotr Ivanovich Rachkovsky of the (Okhrana’s) Foreign Agency.34 The Protocols by design served to “discredit Russia’s Count Sergei Witte in the eyes of Tsar Nicholas II” and derail Witte’s industrialist/modernizer crew.35 This really only constitutes the tip of the iceberg, seeing there’s an entire Jesuitic dimension (entailing the Dreyfus Affair) I don’t have time nor practical space to explain here (unfortunately). Needless to say, the Protocols fabrication/hoax incited in the long-run an unprecedented wave of antisemitic pogroms and fascist/reactionary incursion which ever-conveniently drove hounded Jewish populations into Zionist sympathies.
A wide number of professional antisemitic polemicists who sensationalized the Protocols and its reactionary manner of anti-Jewish scapegoating displayed little animosity towards Zionism—for instance, Georgy Butmi de Katzman (an editor and publicizer of the hoax), “wrote that [the Protocols] had no connection with the new Zionist movement.”36
Phase III: Communist ‘interlude’ (1919–91)
Pt. I: Jesuit/Anglo-Masonic backing
Lenin: asset of the S.J.?
V. Ilyich Ulyanov (“Vladimir Lenin”) and his supporters fervently believed that “the ends justify the means,”3738 a principally fundamental cornerstone of the Jesuit Order.39 Future Stalinist secret police manager Vyacheslav R. Menzhinsky in 1916 regarded Lenin as a:404142
…political Jesuit who over the course of many years has molded Marxism to the aims of his movement. He has now become completely confused… Lenin, this illegitimate child of Russian absolutism, considers himself not only the natural successor to the Russian throne when it becomes vacant, but also the sole heir of the Socialist International… The Leninists are not even a faction, but a class of party gypsies, who swing their whips so affectionately and hope to drown the voice of the proletariat with their screams, imagining it to be their unchallengeable right to be the drivers of the proletariat.
Among the subjects of Lenin’s studies included “the manuals of the Inquisition and the Jesuit constitutions”;43 he was “captivated by the Jesuit model for his party.”44
Most curiously, the arrangements of Lenin’s infamous 1917 “Sealed Train” journey were principally traceable to Diego von Bergen (by the way an eventual “diplomatic” liaison between the Vatican and Nazi regime), a:45
…devout Roman Catholic, trained in Jesuit schools, and he seems to have possessed an instinctive understanding of the revolutionary mind.
Vatican–Bolshevik pact
Bolshevism’s dirty secret is that the Jesuit Order pioneered its ideological roots, recruited Jewish supporters into its outward “leadership,” and then employed right-wing antisemitic front organizations scapegoating “Judeo-Bolshevism.” The anti-Orthodox unholy crusade of the Vatican was thereby framed with utmost duplicity by Jesuit ultramontanists as an “atheistic war on Christianity,” simultaneously co-opting criticism of the Bolsheviks’ broad anti-Christian persecutions as they themselves were setting up “pan-German” plans to rebuild the Holy Roman Empire of the Germanic Nation to the (eventual) liquidation of Protestantism and Eastern Orthodoxy.
Far from worriedly disturbed, the Vatican saw the Bolshevik Coup of Nov. 1917 “more as an opportunity than as a threat.”46 Bolshevist animosity was directed against:47
…the Russian Orthodox Church. As a result, the new [Marxist-Leninist] rulers of Russia were willing to negotiate with the Vatican who sought permission to send specially trained missionaries into Russia to secure converts from Orthodoxy.
Only following the ascension of Stalin did the Soviet Union (outwardly, at least) shut down Vatican rapprochement.48 As Edmond Paris puts it:49
The Russian revolution, by eliminating the Czar, protector of the Orthodox Church, had it not decapitated the great rival and helped the penetration of the Roman Church? We must strike while the iron is hot! The famous ‘Russicum’ is created and its clandestine missionaries will take the Good News to this schismatic country. One century after their [expulsion] by Czar Alexander the First, the Jesuits will again undertake the conquest of the Slav world.
Vatican priorities in 1917 shared with Bolshevism a hatred of Eastern Orthodoxy:50
As the Orthodox Church was deeply compromised by its ties with the czars of Russia, the Bolshevik revolution provided one of the finest opportunities for the Church of Rome to smite its principal rival since an enterprising pope diverted a crusade to rescue the Holy Sepulcher from the Saracens into an assault on Constantinople, seat of the Orthodox Church.
Papal-Bolshevik negotiations for mutual recognition spanned “for eight years following the revolution.”51 When the Weimar “German Reich” negotiated the Apr. 1922 Rapallo Treaty with Leninist Soviet Union, Vatican participation was advocated by then-Chancellor Joseph Wirth, who “was delighted to see [Soviet Commissar Georgy] Chicherin and Archbishop Signori exchange a mutual toast.”52 The Bolshevik side:53
…concluded an agreement with the Vatican by which Jesuits and Franciscans are permitted to propagand in [Soviet] Russia.
Anglo-American dimension: capital funds commune
As much as the Jesuit/Vatican side achieved their objectives, the result—Bolshevist victory—could not have met transpired success without substantially massive financial aid to their revolutionary units. This transactional undergirding was supplied by none other than the Jesuits’ Anglo-Masonic financial axis on both the American and British ends: the immense space of this posting limits the utterly massive rap sheet I could mention, so this subsection will be incredibly abridged.
New York Democratic financier and Freemasonic/Skull and Bones insider Averell Harriman—who some decade later with Bush family eugenicists facilitated the buildup of Nazi Germany—was in 1917 the director of Guaranty Trust Company (a subsidiary of J. P. Morgan), one of Bolshevism’s key American funders,54 advocating recognition of Lenin’s mass-murderous band of reds.55 For the gloriously gargantuan details, see Antony C. Sutton’s Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution (1974).
MI6 (the British intelligence) and the London/NY financial axis supplied the crucial assistance to Leon Trotsky for the ensurance of revolutionary success—for instance, despite detainment at a Canadian internment camp in the province of Halifax, Trotsky was released under British demands.56 Richard Poe explains very well here the treacherous extent to which the British imperial complex stringpulled Bolshevism and hypocritically scapegoated its Jewish participants to pseudo-exonerate itself:
Speaking of British duplicity, it’s worth noting that Winston Churchill’s 1920 essay Zionism versus Bolshevism—which lazily blames “International Jews” for Bolshevism57—essentially constitutes a “confession” of the outward Anglo-Masonic mentality: “Zionist national Jews = good; Bolshevist internationalist Jews = bad.” Seeing the occult world (the Jesuits/Freemasons in their highest initiations are as occultic as it gets) appropriates broad biblical themes, there may very well be the case here that the British manipulation of the Eastern European Jewish community into politicized and outwardly-increasingly “schismatic” Bolshevik and Zionist factions was intended to create a “sacrificial pure lamb” and “scapegoat” to Satanically “mimic” the Day of Atonement. Possibly more on this eventually in a separate post.
On a side note, because this sub-topic surfaces occasionally: whether American Jewish Committee founder, Kuhn Loeb banker, and Zionist activist Jacob Schiff funded Bolshevism is ambiguously tricky to determine with precision since this allegation is frequently co-opted by ill-faith antisemite coadjutors who (as always) poison the well. Prof. Sutton is notably critical of this claim due to its frequent recurrence in “Jewish conspiracy” zombie narratives, arguing that Schiff:58
…was not interested in supporting the Kerensky Liberty Loan and Schiff went to the trouble of drawing State Department attention to Kamenka's pleas for Allied intervention against the Bolsheviks. Obviously Schiff and fellow banker Kamenka, unlike J. P. Morgan and John D. Rockefeller, were as unhappy about the Bolsheviks as they had been about the tsars.
Venetian meddling
The aristocratic, elitist support for Bolshevism, now, wasn’t purely a product of the western Anglo-American side—as Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr., notes, the Venetian nobility’s lackey Alexander Parvus established a pivotal liaison to the German government in their cir. WWI-era financing of Bolshevik destruction of Russia:59
The putative author of the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917 was Venice’s Count Giuseppe Volpi di Misurata, also the chief author of the Balkan wars leading into World War I, and later famous as the man who created the dictator Benito Mussolini. It was Volpi, through cut-outs such as Count Sforza, and in collaboration with Black Sea grain-traders such as the Recanatis of Salonika, who promoted the famous super-spy Alexander Helphand (‘Parvus’) of Odessa, and later placed that Parvus in the position in which he was paid more than 30 million gold Reichsmarks from the Kaiser’s intelligence services, for putting the Bolsheviks into power.
Collaborators of the Venetians within Russia:60
…featured some of the most powerful aristocratic landowning families… It was these boyar families, acting in part through their control over the Third Section of the Czarist interior ministry and the late Okhrana, who assassinated the ‘Westernizing’ Czar Alexander II, and created the sundry radical populist, social-democratic, and Zionist organizations controlled by such Okhrana officers as the infamous Colonel Zubatov.
Remember that section about Zubatovist “police socialism”?
Pt. II: Bolshevist–Zionist early convergence
Remember, both movements in question here were definitely sponsored by the Jesuit/Anglo-Masonic axis (no, they’re not of actual Jewish origin). Don’t miss out on this:
Hess–Marx cabbalistic roots
You’d be kindly forgiven for the understandably naïve presumption that Communism and Zionism are lifelong enemies—quite to the contrary, they’re dialectical brothers, forming a nice “trialectical” Illuminist triangle with their youngest Nazi sibling.
The Bolshevik programme of Lenin and Zionist endeavors of Herzl are jointly traceable to the expressions of Moses Hess, an associate of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels.61 Jewish Encyclopedia notes Hess considered “that the only solution of the Jewish question lies in the colonization of Palestine.”62 Jewish Virtual Library briefly summarizes him as:63
…a Jewish philosopher and socialist, and one of the founders of Labor Zionism. … Hess contributed toward Marx’s ‘Communist Manifesto’ written in 1848, in particular the term ‘religion as the opium of the masses.’
As does Nazism,64 both Zionism and Communism are traceable to Kabbalistic origins. Outstanding researcher David Livingstone points out that Hess:65
‘…was the grandson of Rabbi David T. Hess who succeeded to the Rabbinate of Manheim, after it had been seized by the Sabbatean followers of the Sabbatean Rabbi Eybeshütz.’
Zionism, for the record:66
…derived from Sabbateanism, a Kabbalistic sect founded when Sabbatai Zevi announced himself the promised messiah of the Jews in 1666.
[what a fascinatingly coincidental year number if you ignore the first digit] Sabbatean families, anyways, “were actively involved in” Zionism’s political inceptions.67 Among a 1740s-era group of early proto-Zionist Eastern European “Jewish” settlers in Jerusalem, “many… were, in fact, secret Sabbateans.”68 Marxism at its earliest core—similar to Zionism—was inspired by Sabbateanism via Lurianic Kabbalah.69
Marx’s cloaked Zionism?
Most interesting, he says in his “left-wing” antisemitic screed On the Jewish Question:70
Emancipation from huckstering and money, consequently from practical, real Judaism, would be the self-emancipation of our time.
We recognize in Judaism, therefore, a general anti-social element of the present time, an element which through historical development – to which in this harmful respect the Jews have zealously contributed – has been brought to its present high level, at which it must necessarily begin to disintegrate.
In the final analysis, the emancipation of the Jews is the emancipation of mankind from Judaism.
The social emancipation of the Jew is the emancipation of society from Judaism.
Take careful note here: Marx depicts his ideal Marxian “removal of Judaism” from human civilization as a simultaneous “social emancipation of the Jew.” Obviously this more or less rules out the genocide route for relatively obvious reasons, so the only logical alternative remaining that satisfies both criteria here is Zionist emigration of Jews to an exclusivized location of their own.
(now, yes, if one day the record scrolls (or 4-D videos? I don’t know) during the heavenly Millennium71 prove me wrong, then I shall stand corrected)
Bolshevism’s early days: Lenin, Poale, and Palestine
According to American Jewish author Jack Bernstein:72
The Ashkenazi Jews who migrated to Israel from Russia brought with them the ideology of socialism/communism and have put into practice much of that ideology.
This appears to be factually accurate—considerably early on the Marxist “Poale Zion” faction (which by the way modeled itself after Zubatovism,73 “coincidentally” enough) simultaneously backed Zionist nationalism and sought Comintern recognition.74 Among the Third Aliyah emigrants from Russia, “a good number” believed in the October Revolution,75 and the “socialist” Marxist-Zionist Gdud HaAvoda (“Labor Legion”) consisted of (aged 18-22) youngsters who held “an admiration and an enthusiasm” for the Bolshevik Revolution.76
In fact, much of the Third Aliyah (1919-23) migrants to Palestine were of a revolutionary,77 Marxist/Communist orientation78—the same “Jewish” participants of anti-Czarist causes in Russia brought the “[Communist/Bolshevist] political ideologies and operating methods [of Eastern Europe]” into the creeping-colonialist settlements of Palestine.79 That Aliyah period itself also constituted a direct outgrowth of the Bolshevik Revolution.80
Also worth noting is that the supposedly “anti-Zionist” Lenin—unlike his successors—clearly did not bother actually restraining the emigration of Soviet Jews to Palestine. His tracts against Zionism were superficially limited,81 and despite laughing off Marxist-Zionist syncretism82 did not institute any policy substantially inhibiting the Zionist movement’s growth. And Ber Borochov, one of (Bolshevist) Labor Zionism’s chief pioneers, was both a Lenin protege83 and Poale Zion mouthpiece at the 1905 Seventh Zionist Congress demanding Eretz-Israel (“land of Israel”) as the only arrival territory for Zionist immigration.84 Poale operated in Russia all the way into 1928,85 and ultimately merged into the broader imperialist veneer of Anglo-Zionist objectives.86 More on this in the next subsection…
Pt. III: Zionist Bolshevism’s Nazi links
As a reminder: the Third Reich’s economic buildup was a product of Anglo-Masonic financial backing. British geopolitical intentions all along were to incite annihilationist war between Germany and Russia,87 their set sights on the bottomless depravity met when Anglo-Jesuit controlled Nazi “superhuman” animals at the breaking of Molotov-Ribbentrop mass-murdered millions of (largely Orthodox) Eastern Europeans in an unprecedented remoteness from humanity.
Prince Philip’s brother-in-law Prince Christoph:88
…was embraced by the Nazis, who saw him as a channel to the appeasement faction in Britain epitomized by King Edward VIII. Joining the Nazi Party in 1933, by 1935 Prince Christoph was chief of the Forschungsamt (directorate of scientific research), a special intelligence operation run by Hermann Goering, and he was also Standartenfiihrer (colonel) of the SS on Heinrich Himmler’s personal staff.
This isn’t even mentioning that the Anglo-Masonic/Rothschild Bank of England’s head Montagu Norman assisted Nazi looting of Czech gold:
Hitlerites back Bolshevist Anglo-Zionism (Haavara Agreement)
According to Barry Chamish, a central tenet of the Zionazi Pact of 1933 (IOWs, the “Haavara Agreement”) was that the Jewish population of Germany:89
…would first be indoctrinated into Bolshevism in Labour Zionism camps and then, with British approval, transferred to Palestine. Most were there by the time the British issued the White Paper banning further Jewish immigration. The Labour Zionists got the Jews they wanted, and let the millions of religious Jews and other non-Frankists perish in Europe without any struggle for their survival.
It also turns out that Hitler’s degenerate Sozi90 Naso91 Nazi followers were so committedly opposed to “Judeo-Bolshevism” that… they fanatically fell in love with the “Jewish” Zionists’ Bolshevist kibbutz occupation settlements in Palestine.92 Behold for yourself the Nazi commemorative coin featuring a swastika on one side and hexagram on the other—quite literally two sides to the same coin:9394
At a time of Nazi Germany facing potential economic devastation from a global Jewish-led boycott, the Zionist fifth column (plus the Anglo-Zionist-controlled B’nai B’rith/ADL/AJC grouping in the United States) came to the Teutonic Bolshevists’ rescue in the 1933 Haavara Agreement whereby Hitler’s affirmation of a trade agreement with the World Zionist Organization’s (WZO) Anglo-Palestine Bank negated the boycott’s otherwise-decimating effects upon the Nazi economy.95
Under the pre-WWII era of Nazi iron fist rule from 1933-38, dissident political organizations and newspapers unaffiliated with “National Socialism” were banned by emergency decree… except the Zionist parties: the Zionist Federation of Germany (ZVfD) and its Jüdische Rundschau (“Jewish Review”) newspaper subsidiary were not only allowed to operate, but expressly supported by high Nazi officials.96 As factually observed by Haavara operative Chaim Arlosoroff of the Jewish Agency, Jüdische Rundschau gained 50-60 new subscribers by the day; at the conclusion of 1933 it reached nearly 40,000 subscribers, 4-5 times its circulation the year previous.97 That leading Zionist newspaper within Nazi Germany was not even subjected to the government’s newsprint rationing policy—which “influential Aryan publications” were bound under—until 1937, over three whole years after Haavara first commenced. Yet modern Zionazis will with most shameless impunity pretend the WZO/Jewish Agency’s shameful Haavara Agreement with Nazi Germany was meant to “save” Jews!
Zionism in fact was “the only separate political philosophy sanctioned by the Third Reich.”98 The ZVfD’s Jüdische Rundschau was also incredibly exempt from the broader Nazi systematic gleichshaltung (“synchronization”) blanket-imposed on most of neo-“Teutonic” society; only two issues of the newspapers were suppressed, such seizures constituting highly rare occurrences.99 The 1935 Nuremberg laws prohibited Jews from raising the German flag and (yet) allowed their carrying of the hexagramic Zionist flag; most German Jews resisted the Nazi-Zionist demand of removal from Germany, this very stubborn refusal (to accept Zionist emigration-to-Palestine demands) resulting in ZVfD overtures to Hitler echoing antisemitic Nazi canards of “Jewish laziness.”100 Zionism is antisemitism.
Synarchist fusion, Zionist edition: kapos and commies unite
Jack Bernstein again explains very well:101
In Germany, the average Jews were victims of the Zionist elite who worked hand in hand with the Nazis. Many of those same Zionist Jews who, in Germany, had worked with the Nazis, came to Israel and joined hands with the Zionist Communist Jews from Poland and Russia. It is the two faces of communism and Nazi-style fascism that rule Israel. Democracy is merely an illusion.
This is true: even after the Nazi regime supposedly severed its Zionist ties upon aligning with (Anglo-Zionist puppet102) Mufti Amin al-Husseini, the Third Reich quietly employed Zionist fifth column proxies within the German Jewish community to operate their mass-murderous bidding—there exists solid documentation that the concentration camp “kapos” were heavily Zionist. Many cases:103
…are known of the Gestapo having selected Zionists as kapos in the death camps.
In Upper East Silesia—where Auschwitz was situated—the first actions of the Nazis in the Shoah of European Jews was to establish:104
…a ‘council of elders’ (Juden rat) and, as in every place, [the Nazis] appointed Zionist activists to head the council. The Nazis found in these ‘elders’ what they hoped for: loyal and obedient servants…
TL;DR: Nazi Jews saved the skins of Nazis from Jews to assist the subsequent Nazi mass killing of Jews, so the Nazi Jews could convert surviving Jews into Nazi Jews.
Pt. IV: temporary synthesis—Stalin saves ‘anti-British’ Zionism from Arab military (1947–48)
I mentioned most of the important details in my Communazionism pt. I posting, though as usually will restate summarily with varying tidbits: when the “main” Anglo-Masonic imperial axis in the immediate post-WWII era publicly transitioned into their “anti-Zionism” phase amidst Revisionist Zionist “anti-British” terrorism (quietly manipulated by the British MI6 anyways) that gave the British a convenient facade/cover to ingratiate its interests on the Arab side, it so happened that Jozef Stalin came to the Zionists’ rescue.
The Stalinist-directed Comintern several years prior—at least as early as Jul. 1945—shifted from their “anti-Zionist” phase, announcing their support for:105
…just demands of the Jewish people… for the rebuilding of a Jewish national homeland in a free and democratic Palestine in collaboration with the Arab people.
In Mar. 1948, Communist trade unions boasting roughly ten thousand members organized in New York City chanting, “two, four, six, eight, we demand a Jewish State!”106 Among Western Communists, only Trotskyites remained firmly skeptical of abrupt Stalinist endeavors on behalf of Zionism.107
Anyways, it’s noteworthy of course that—akin to standard Zionist propaganda itself—early Soviet promises of support for bilateral democracy proved fraudulent very quickly. Headquarters in the USSR:108
…instructed its East European satellites to allow the migration of 350,000 Jews to Israel. The new arrivals proved to be a much-needed supplement to the Israeli infantry. Sometimes, those immigrants were immediately sent on arrival in Israel straight to the frontlines. The Soviet Union also provided Israel with support on the diplomatic front and voted against UN general assembly resolutions that sought to force the Jewish state to withdraw from territories it took over during the war and allow the return of Palestinian refugees.
The “Israeli” victory of late 1947 against Arab military was possible entirely thanks to Soviet arms funneled via East Bloc subsidiary Czechoslovakia:109
In 1948 the Soviet Union sold weapons to Israel through Czechoslovakia to the tune of $22 million. These included Messerschmitt planes, which proved crucial to Israeli victories in the war that erupted between Arabs and Jews in late 1947.
Stalinist USSR: Maltese/Masonic subsidiary
The Kremlin retained:110
…a back-channel to the Knights of Malta since the Bolshevik Revolution. Stalin offered to restore the Knights’ Russian and Polish Commanderies in exchange for the Knights’ opening a legation in Moscow. This involved intricate negotiations over the status of Jerusalem, which Stalin believed the Knights might become the mandatory power over. A faction of the Knights liked Stalin’s offer. At present, the Kremlin is again considering diplomatic recognition of the Knights, whose sovereign state encompasses one small building on the Via Condotti in Rome.
The intersection between the (Catholic) knights of the Maltese Order and the “anti-clerical” Grand Orient segment of Freemasonry so happened to cross paths with Soviet Communism; Knights of Malta figure:111
…Comte de Pierredon (descended from an National Ottoman Pasha) who received Stalin’s offer to the Order to become partners in the division of Jerusalem after World War II, was receiving funds to advance his factions power within the Order from the Grand Orient of France.
Just mentioning this in case you might’ve assume Stalin’s directives were his own personally conjured decisions; quite to the contrary, the trail of evidence indicates he was an installed coadjutor and thereby following dictates from superiors (time and space limits me at least for now from directly expounding into whether Stalin was Jesuit-trained; here is one analysis I’ve come across). This as a corollary naturally includes his “strange” 1947-48 pivotal move to rescue Zionism.
Pt. V: upside dialectical inversion: Soviet ‘anti-Zionism’ exposed (1949–91)
Following the establishment of the Zionist “State of Israel” and its subsequent alliance with the Anglo-American complex, the Soviets of course outwardly shifted into a decades-long phase of outward “anti-Zionism” in ferocious hostility. Yet was this genuine or a mere dialectical facade?
Soviet–Zionist pact?
According to Jack Bernstein, Zionist Golda Meir and Stalin confidant Lazar Kaganovich established a pact vowing secretive Soviet assistance to Israel as they simultaneously faked support for Arab anti-Zionism:112
Israel would not allow any Western country, especially the U.S. to build military bases on Israeli territory.
Israel would allow an official communist party to function freely in Israel.
Israel would not make any agreement to solve the Palestinian problem.
Israel would influence world Jewry, especially in the U.S. to have Western Powers adopt a policy of favoring Israel over the Arabs.
Israel was to continue its Marxist economic policies and prevent any free-enterprise tendencies.
The Soviets would institute a pro-Arab policy solely as a camouflage for its true intentions which was to furnish aid to the Arabs, but never enough to enable the Arabs to destroy Israel.
The Soviets would open the gates of Soviet satellite countries to Jewish immigration to Israel. Should this be insufficient, Soviet Russia then would open its own gates to immigration.
The Soviets would absolutely guarantee the security of Israel.
Now, I will admit that I have yet to find additional sources directly substantiating Bernstein’s assertions here, yet the transpired reality nonetheless matches up with considerable precision to the intended results of such a Soviet-Zionist collusion scenario—in the Six-Day War, USSR reports to Egyptian president Gamal Abdel Nasser turned out to be false, sabotaging Egypt’s military operations and handing Judeonazis a consequentially detrimental victory. Intentional fifth columnism? One day, all of humanity’s darkest secrets will be shouted from the rooftop…
The naked scam of Stalinist ‘anti-Zionism’
Whereas the Bolshevik rabble-rousing of Lenin made philosemitic overtures towards Jews to outwardly undercut Zionist sympathies—thereby merely competing for popular support amongst a shared audience—Stalinist “anti-Zionism” post-1953 was outwardly and flagrantly antisemitic. Such fusions of antisemitism into faux “anti-Zionism,” as I’ve explained before, are dialectically set up to serve Zionist ends:
One does not need to inspect any further than Communist Poland’s laughably farcical “anti-Zionism” of 1967-68: institutions co-opted anti-Zionist rhetoric to launch unsubstantiated accusations of (non-Zionist) Jews in Communist institutions as disloyal Zionist operatives, causing thousands of hitherto Jewish participants of the Polish People’s Republic to abandon the Communist Party, either out of their own discontent or outright driven away by force.113
Most hilariously “ironic” of all, the very same Communist government self-proclaiming its lopsided vitriolic “anti-Zionism” made sure that any fed-up Polish Jews looking to emigrate were only permitted the arrival destination of… Israel:114
Between March and July, local party meetings were held across the country, at which Jewish members were bullied into admitting to Zionist sympathies and then fired from their jobs and expelled from the party on grounds of disloyalty. It was then made clear to them that they would not be able to get other jobs in Poland. If they sought to emigrate, they were told that exit permits would be issued only to Israel and on the condition of renouncing their Polish citizenship. The subsequent exodus to Israel was taken as confirmation that the loyalties of those expelled had indeed lain with Israel rather than Poland.
More than 15,000 Jews emigrated from Poland as a result of the anti-Zionist campaign, reducing the number of Jews in Poland to a few thousand. Most of the emigrants settled in Israel, the United States, and Western Europe. After the campaign was over, Polish-Jewish relations became a taboo subject, and they remained so until the next round of liberalization, in 1981.
Just take a moment and let this sink in: the Stalinist coadjutor puppets running Poland in the late 1960s in the midst of the Cold War were so determined in their “anti-Zionism” that they:
launched a baselessly ridiculous witchhunt accusing non-Zionist assimilated Jews of “Zionist fifth column” treachery, leading to…
hitherto non-Zionist Jews no longer wishing to live in Poland, instead rapidly adopting Zionist sympathies; the Polish “anti-Zionist” government then…
was more than eager to send thousands of Jews to Israel (thereby increasing the Fourth Reich’s population) merely to outlandishly pseudo-“prove” their senseless charges of “Jewish disloyalty”
Do rational, thinking people act this mind-numbingly boorish? Were the Communist leaders actually this stupid, or were they perhaps nothing more than Zionist puppets? I must say, the extent to which the NWO gets away with ruthlessly insulting the masses’ (lack of) common sense is just… tremendously incredible.
This shameless fusion of “anti-Zionism” with antisemitism originating in the late Stalinist era likewise served to drive increasingly disenchanted Russian Jews into emigrating by droves to Israel, thereby increasing Zionist strength in spite of whatever spurious fantasy the Soviet geniuses conjured; out of a total ~3.3 million immigrants to Israel, 35% arrived from the former USSR.115 To restate: the Communists were that determined to ensure Zionism’s demise that they so happened to increase its bottom-up populace strength like never before! (well, almost as never before—still doesn’t quite match up to Nazism as a catalyst for Zionism)
Recall what Herzl said?116
The anti-Semites will become our most dependable friends, the anti-Semitic countries our allies. We want to emigrate as respected people.
Now you (should) very definitely understand what this translates to in reality.
Phase IV: ‘Christian Zionism’ (1950s–present)
For the gloriously detailed refutation of Anglo-Zionist “theological” hoaxes:
Pt. I: origins
Early Protestant eschatology—building off of apostolic Christianity’s hermeneutically (near-)unanimous consensus on the defining characteristics of the Antichrist—relied expressly on the “day-year” principle: in biblical prophecy, one prophetically listed day corresponds in transpired fulfillment to a literal year.117 It is no surprise then that the “competing” eschatological frameworks of Preterism (the manufactured mantra of Jesuit Luis del Alcázar118) and Futurism (the manufactured mantra of Jesuit Francisco Ribera119) both expressly deny this biblical methodology120 which was:121
…fully understood as well by many in the early Christian Church. Athanasius, bishop of Alexandria in the fourth century, tried to convince Jews that Christ was the Messiah, using the day/year principle to interpret the prophecies of Daniel. It was obvious that Ribera could not use the same principle, for it clearly identified the medieval reign of the Papacy as the antichrist of prophecy.
The Jesuit theories postulate a single individual as the antichrist. Since no person can live 1260 years or 2300 years, the tested and proven day/year principle must be denied in order to make the deception credible. Subsequently, Ribera’s treacherous thesis has led to the illogical and totally unacceptable separation of the seventieth week of the seventy-week prophecy of Daniel 9 from the other sixty-nine weeks.
Dispensationalism of course is derived from Ribera’s Futurist teachings122—just as the Jesuit Order represents the forthright front for Catholic ultramontanism and Freemasonry serves as a backdoor-connected liaison outwardly co-opting cultural “Protestantism,” so too does Alcázar’s Preterism represent the outwardly Catholic view of eschatology while Ribera’s Futurism (by manipulated design) is pushed into the Protestant theological realm. They serve as two sides to the same coin.
Darby and Scofield
Pivotal to the modern dispensationalist fantasy prominently believed in the Protestant realm is this spurious notion of a “secret rapture” plainly substantiated… absolutely nowhere in the Bible, neither Old nor New Testament. Before Cyrus I. Scofield, there was John Nelson Darby, yet Darby was not the per se originator of this “rapture” doctrine, rather apparently inspired by the lucid “visions” of a confused girl named Margaret Macdonald heralding from a family claiming the “spiritual gifts” of healing and speaking in tongues.123
Prototypical developments of “dispensationalism,” by the way, were already established by the (surprise, surprise!) Anglo-Masonic axis:124
The first such historical fact is that modern Christian Zionism was created less than 200 years ago as a covert initiative of the British Foreign Office. At the time, it had a lot less to do with the Scripture, than with the geopolitical needs of the emerging British Empire.
The beliefs under consideration are based on a theology most broadly known as Millennialism. Although there are many distinctions between them, Millennialists share a belief that the Bible has literally prophesied all the phases (or ‘dispensations’) of human history, and that we have entered, or are entering, the last phase. The ‘end times’ entail… the physical playing out of the scenario described in the apocalyptic Revelation of St. John, including the rise of the Antichrist, the cataclysmic battle of world armies on the plain of Megiddo (‘Armaggedon’), the Second Coming of Christ; in short, the end of the world. Thus, for instance, this belief structure apprehends attempts by some Israeli fanatics to rebuild Solomon’s Temple, not as a dangerous provocation, but as furthering the will of God.
All types of Millennialists, whether they know it or not, derive from a single source: the theories of British clergyman John Nelson Darby (1800-82).
It also turns out:125
…that key elements of Darby’s new theology corresponded exactly to the foreign policy requirements of the British oligarchy at that particular moment.
Yet another complete coincidence, eh? It gets even more “strange”:126
…when Darby surprisingly specified Russia as the source of evil in the world, one must entertain suspicions. Darby’s Russophobia was, by all accounts, one of the great appeals of his evangelical tours, and of his books and the books of his followers. For instance, coinciding with Darby’s tour of the United States in 1857, a sympathetic Washington pastor named Fountain Pitts preached a sermon to the U.S. Congress, warning that Russia was preparing to invade America, and that the final battle against the Antichrist would take place in the Valley of the Mississippi, which, Pitts asserted, was what Scripture meant by the ‘valley of Megiddo.’ As can be imagined, Darby’s warnings were widely used to discredit President Lincoln’s Civil War alliance [with Russia]…
By the way, Darby was apparently familiar with Theosophical and Kabbalistic occult “signal language,” reusing them in his doctrinal literature.127 The apple probably didn’t fall far from the tree concerning acolyte C. I. Scofield, whose (in)famous “Scofield Reference Bible” by the way regurgitates Darbyite Russophobia in its explicitly fantastic claim that the “primary reference” of Gog is:128
…to the northern (European) powers, headed up by Russia… The reference to Meshech and Tubal (Moscow and Tobolsk) is a clear mark of identification.
Let’s also examine Scofield’s moral character; he is summarized as:129
…a veteran of the Confederate Army, who was run out of Kansas after the Civil War for his shady dealings. Scofield was recruited to Darby's outlook by Dr. James Brookes, a leader of the Niagra Conferences. When the former ne’er-do-well Scofield was ordained as a minister, the Topeka, Kansas, Daily Capital newspaper described him as a ‘politician and shyster generally ... this peer among scalawags,’ who had left Kansas four years earlier ‘after a series of forgeries and confidence games.’
Anyways, EIR sardonically notes:130
“The Will of God had finally been brought into conformity with English foreign policy.”
—Mike Minnicino
Pt. II: psyop 202—‘revelation of the method’
If you believe the “Christian Zionist” fantasy view of Ezek. 38-39 that the Fourth Reich/“State of Israel” is the restoration of literal ancient Israel, that Gog/Magog = Russia, Persia = Iran, Togarmah = Turkey, etc. etc., then certainly the past year’s worth of Middle East chaos might seem to represent the validation of the dispensationalist interpretation to “prophecy.” Just look at this obnoxious horde of evangelical loons (who either have absolutely no idea what they’re rambling about or are conscious liars):
Note that I only said “seem to.” As you read in all those previous subsections, the entirety geopolitical landscape of the modern Middle East is the product of British (Anglo-Masonic) manipulation at the behest of the Jesuit Order. Therefore the NWO insiders with advanced knowledge of the events to be set in motion decades and centuries afterwards (relative to the time they are preplanned) can with the boldest confidence set up front organizations “prophesying” of the preplanned agenda so that when the “premonitory” assertions are seemingly validated, the masses blindly follow the false prophet coadjutors. This tactic is known as the revelation of the method.
Pt. III: Russophobic lunacies
As those screenshots above demonstrate, the dispensationalist view of “end times” prophecy is that Russia constitutes the “antichrist” king of the north power. Such sentiment here in the West (mainly the United States) of course only ostensibly exacerbates blind Russophobia, and how ever convenient! After the Cold War removed the pretext of Communism from a basis for scapegoating Russia as the root of all evil, Anglo-Masonically backed “Christian Zionism” takes ahold of the “conservative” Protestant theological realm’s mainstream (facilitated by well-documented Masonic alumni of the SBTS/Baylor cauldron), pumping a steady dose of “Russia bad!1!1!” straight out of the pulpit into the mushy minds of deluded masses.
Do not forget: Unionist abolitionists during the Civil War allied with Orthodox Russia and fought against a united axis of Jesuits, British-backed fifth columnists, and white supremacist slaveholders. Only when Anglo-Masonic agencies subverted the globe did America transform into a perpetual adversary of Russia since—the Anglo-Jesuits simply cannot afford the risk of a grassroots America-Russia bilateral (industrialist) alliance lest their sinister agenda miserably fold into failure.
To wrap up and connect the dots:
the Jesuits control the Anglo-Masonic financial/imperialist axis and uses it as a convenient “front” organization to deploy its own sought-out ends
industrialist buildup of a multilateral American-led empire against Anglo-Masonic empiricism threatened Jesuit domination goals—Anglo-Rothschild agencies therefore in 1881 liquidated American president James A. Garfield (alongside derailing James G. Blaine from becoming president later in 1884131) and Czar Alexander II, two modernist Hamiltonian leaders
Zionism as a dualistically “dialectical” ideology necessitates antisemitism to be seized on as a pretext for justifying the “rescue” of Jews to Palestine; Czar Alexander II’s liberalizing modernizations in Russia uplifted the Jewish population out of feudal discrimination, thereby undercutting core Zionist propaganda hopes; since the supply of antisemitism was running too low for Zionist hopes, the Anglo-Zionist/Rothschild cabal employed anarchist “socialist” revolutionaries to liquidate modernist reformer Alexander II and elevate into power (possibly Masonically entangled?132) reactionary autocrat Alexander III, who quickly restored pogromist antisemitism
the Anglo-Masonic axis installed twin fifth columns in the Eastern European Jewish community, Bolshevism and Zionism (their significant influence ensured by British-backed Okhrana/Black Hundreds right-wing pogroms driving Jews into those two movements); as a dualistically Satanic “copycat” of the Mosaic Jewish Day of Atonement, Bolshevism served as the “negative”/dark-side scapegoat and Zionism to operate as the “positive/“pure” sacrificial lamb side—the Jesuit/Masonic axis needed a convenient Jewish scapegoat to deflect attention from their own central role of organizing Bolshevism
the proliferation of Zionism/Bolshevism as antithesis to Anglo-Masonically exacerbated right-wing Czarist autocratic pogromism served two long-term Jesuit purposes: 1) Zionism to herd the Jews into Palestine and thereby pseudo-“fulfill” Anglo-Masonic “dispensationalist”/“Christian Zionist” false prophecy (built upon Jesuit operative Francisco Ribera’s so-called “Futurist” eschatology133); 2) Bolshevism to break the backbone of traditional Eastern Orthodoxy, smashing the (very) Czarist empire that for centuries resisted Vatican objectives
the Vatican/Jesuit hierarchy clearly supported early Bolshevist destruction of Orthodoxy despite superficially outward papal “anti-Communist” duplicity
British-controlled Zionist Bolshevism (Labor Zionism) colluded with the (Jesuit-directed and British-financed) Nazi regime, sabotaging the global Jewish boycott of the Third Reich
the (Jesuit/British-installed) Soviet Union in the Communazi Era (1939-41) handed the Nazis the weapons they needed to afterwards (cir. 1941-44) en masse slaughter Eastern European (Orthodox Christian) populations
Stalinist/Communist dictates “strangely” flipped into fanatical Zionism and saved (longtime Anglo-Jesuit/Rothschild-backed) “Israel” from defeat (1947-48) at a time the British spuriously drifted into a faux “anti-Zionist” phase for expediency reasons to simultaneously control the Arab nations with extra comfortable ease
subsequent Communist “anti-Zionism” in the Cold War that outright conflated anti-Zionism with antisemitism (IOWs, dialectical from-the-other-side “validation” of Zionist propaganda) angered the remaining non-Zionist Jewish population in the East Bloc, driving them into Zionist sympathies and migrating by the thousands to Israel; ditto in the case of British-controlled “Arab antisemitism” whereby the very same Arab governments which supposedly hated Zionism just ever-conveniently sent all their Arab Jewish populations to Israel!
the end of red-bait scaremongering in the U.S. following the dissolution of the Soviet Union ended the “Communist” pretext for Russophobia, and it’s sure of absolutely incoincidental, spontaneous convenience that (Jesuit/British-invented) “Christian Zionism”—namely its bogus interpretation of “Gog and Magog”—was being propped up into prominence in the mainstream “Protestant” realm to drive religiously motivated hatred of Russia from the American right
Russian Orthodoxy, destroyed of its old rigid piousness by Leninist Bolshevism, rebuilt into a Soviet puppet proxy by Stalin during WWII, and culturally co-opted by Putinism and the modern Russia “far right” into a chauvinistically esoteric “Eurasian” philosophy by the likes of Aleksandr Dugin, has in recent times become incredibly134 close135 with136 the137 Vatican138
the modern Russia-Ukraine War—propagated by the Anglo-Masonically controlled intelligence axis operating NATO—has sharpened the wedge between the Orthodox religion into divided-and-conquered139 “Ukrainian”140 and “Russian”141 factions both fanatically politicized into obeying the dictates of their respective governments—yes, both Zelensky142 and Putin143—currently looking towards Jesuit/Masonic-controlled Mango Caesar as the peacemaker; (Jesuit) Pope Francis has notably meddled into the schism, “condemning” Ukraine’s suppression of supposedly Russian-aligned Orthodox factions144
It is only a brief matter of time before:
the watered-down “Orthodox” nations of Russia and Ukraine are united under a Vatican/American-directed (IOWs, respectively the first and second beast powers of Revelation 13) faux “peace” banner, “reunifying” the Orthodox Church… back into Roman Catholicism and terminating the centuries-long “schism”
Zionism finishes its preplanned role in the PRS manipulation scheme and the Vatican’s usurpation of Jerusalem re-establishes the Templars’ Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem in tandem with “Christian Zionist”-backed construction of the “Temple of Solomon” (innocuously presented as the “Jewish Third Temple”), accomplishing the NWO into its finally achieved despotic completion
Neither could attain their modern status of near-accomplishment without Anglo-Jesuit brutalization of Czarist Russia that scored its intended double-hitter: subverting the hearts of the Orthodox Christians into eventual papal shills, and likewise the hearts of Eastern European Jews to Zionism.
David Icke (Oct. 1, 1998), “The Biggest Secret,” p. 199.
Nicholas Hagger (2007), “The Secret Founding of America,” ch. VIII.
Joseph A. Massad (2006), “The Persistence of the Palestinian Question: Essays on Zionism and the Palestinians,” p. 15.
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Ecc. 1:9b.
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Jacob L. Talmon (1980), “Myth of the Nation and Vision of Revolution: Ideological Polarization in the Twentieth Century,” p. 349.
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Edmond Paris (1983), “The Secret History of the Jesuits,” sec. V, ch. II.
R. T. Naylor (1987), “Hot Money and the Politics of Debt,” p. 109.
Christopher L. Zugger (Apr. 2001), “The Forgotten: Catholics of the Soviet Empire from Lenin Through Stalin,” ch. XI, p. 144.
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Antony C. Sutton (1976), “Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler,” p. 106.
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Frederick W. Dame (Sep. 9, 2014), “America’s Indomitable Character Volume IV: From the Ante Bellum Period to the Reconstruction Period After the Civil War,” vol. IV, p. 358.
Winston Churchill (Feb. 8, 1920), “Zionism versus Bolshevism: A Struggle for the Soul of the Jewish People,” llustrated Sunday Herald (London), p. 5.
Antony C. Sutton (1974), “Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution,” p. 197.
Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. (Nov. 4, 1988), “The myth of Marxian communism,” Executive Intelligence Review, vol. XV, no. XLIV, p. 28.
Executive Intelligence Review, vol. XXI, no. XVI, p. 28 [introductory chorus].
Isidore Singer, Max Schloessinger, “Hess, Moses (Moritz),” Jewish Encyclopedia.
“Moses Hess,” Jewish Virtual Library.
David Livingstone (May 9, 2015), “The Protocols of Zion: Revelation of the Method,” Ordo Ab Chao.
Edward Rothstein (Apr. 8, 1983), “‘False Messiah,’ Opera of Time When World Seemed Doom,” The New York Times.
Hershel Edelheit (2019), “History Of Zionism: A Handbook And Dictionary,” pp. 12-13.
David Livingstone (Jun. 16, 2013), “Black Terror White Soldiers: Islam, Fascism & the New Age,” p. 150.
Karl Marx (Feb. 1844), “On the Jewish Question,” II.
In case you’re wondering, no: the biblical Millennium will not be on the earth. Jesus Christ—who after the Resurrection went up to the right hand of the Father in heaven (Mk. 16:19; Acts 2:33, 7:55-56; Rom. 8:34; Eph. 1:20; Heb. 1:3, 8:1, 10:12, 12:2; I Pet. 3:22)—told the Apostles at the Last Supper that His followers will be received and taken at the Second Coming to where He is also (Jn. 14:2-3), IOWs heaven.
Jack Bernstein (1984), “The Life of an American Jew in Racist Marxist Israel,” p. 9.
Hecht (2002), p. 41.
Sondra M. Rubinstein (Sep. 5, 2019), “The Communist Movement In Palestine And Israel, 1919–1984,” pp. 55-56.
Ibid., p. 108.
Ibid., pp. 193-94.
Benjamin Nathans, Kenneth B. Moss, Taro Tsurumi (Jan. 4, 2022), “From Europe's East to the Middle East: Israel's Russian and Polish Lineages,” p. 118.
Eliezer Schweid (2024), “A History of Modern Jewish Religious Philosophy, Vol. V: Creating New Jewish Centers. The Visionaries of First Fulfillment in the Land of Israel,” ch. III, p. 95.
Derek Penslar, Eran Kaplan, David Sorkin (Dec. 2011), “The Origins of Israel, 1882–1948: A Documentary History,” p. 16.
Anita Shapira (1992), “Land and Power: The Zionist Resort to Force, 1881-1948,” pt. II, ch. IV.
B. Morozov (1999), “Documents on Soviet Jewish Emigration,” p. 12.
Lawrence J. Epstein (1989), “A Treasury of Jewish Anecdotes,” p. 41.
“Ber Borochov,” Jewish Virtual Library.
Philip Mendes (2014), “Jews and the Left: The Rise and Fall of a Political Alliance,” p. 217.
Jane Degras, “Communist International: Documents, 1919-1943,” p. 81.
Scott Thompson (May 24, 1996), “The Nazi roots of the House of Windsor,” Executive Intelligence Review, vol. XXIII, no. XXII, p. 10.
Ibid., p. 11.
Barry Chamish (Feb. 28, 2009), “Shabtai Tzvi, Labor Zionism And the Holocaust,” p. 291.
Michael C. Kalu (Feb. 26, 2019), “Everyone Knows The Word ‘Nazi’ But How Did The Term Come Into Being?” War History Online.
Mitchell G. Bard (1999), “The Complete Idiot's Guide to World War II, 3rd Edition,” ch. II.
Edwin Black (1984), “The Transfer Agreement: The Dramatic Zionist Rescue of Jews from the Third Reich to Jewish Palestine,” ch. XVII.
“Souvenir coin with a swastika and Star of David,” European Holocaust Research Infrastructure.
Bettina Stangneth (2014), “Eichmann Before Jerusalem: The Unexamined Life of a Mass Murderer,” ch. I.
Jim Marrs (2017), “The Illuminati: The Secret Society That Hijacked the World,” sec. III.
Black (1984), ch. XVII.
Bernstein (1984), p. 11.
Jonathan Frankel (1972), “The Anti-Zionist Press Campaigns in the USSR 1969-1971: Political Implications,” p. 45.
Faris Glubb (1978), “Zionist Relations with Nazi Germany,” p. 45.
Sina Arnold (Sep. 6, 2022), “From Occupation to Occupy: Antisemitism and the Contemporary American Left,” p. 26.
Ibid., pp. 26-27.
Rob Geist Pinfold, Joel Peters (2024), “Routledge Handbook on Israel’s Foreign Relations,” ch. VII.
Scott Thompson (Feb. 17, 1989), “Knights of Malta launch a crusade in America,” Executive Intelligence Review, vol. XVI, no. VIII, p. 59.
Ibid, pp. 59-60.
Bernstein (1984), p. 23.
André Gerrits (2009), “The Myth of Jewish Communism: A Historical Interpretation,” p. 180.
Richard S. Levy (2005), “Antisemitism: A Historical Encyclopedia of Prejudice and Persecution,” pp. 578-79.
“Total Immigration to Israel from the Former Soviet Union,” Jewish Virtual Library.
“Theodor Herzl,” Wikiquote.
Num. 14:34; Ezek. 4:6b.
Lawrence R. Kellie (Feb. 28, 2017), “Historicism, Futurism, Preterism,”
Gerhard Pfandl, “The Year-Day Principle,” p. 1. Adventist Biblical Research Center.
Colin D. Standish, Russell R. Standish (Dec. 1992), “The Perils of Timesetting,” p. 4.
H. C. Martin (May 2020), “The Origin of Dispensational Futurism and its Entrance into Protestant Christianity,” Lutheran Library Publishing Ministry.
Harley Schlanger (Feb. 4, 2005), “‘All Praises Due to Satan, The Ruler of the World,’” Executive Intelligence Review, vol. XXXII, no. V, p. 19.
Mike Minnicino (Nov. 29, 2002), “Darby Made ‘Christian Zionism’ for the Empire,” Executive Intelligence Review, vol. XXIX, no. XLVI, p. 63.
Ibid., p. 64.
Ulrich R. Rohmer (Feb. 13, 2014), “The Blavatsky Effect: How Madame Influenced Modern Concepts of God and Jesus,” ch. III.
C. I. Scofield (1917), “The Scofield Reference Bible,” p. 883.
Schlanger (2005), p. 19.
Minnicino (2002), p. 65.
The lead congressional slanders of Blaine leading up to 1884 were spearheaded by freshman Democratic congressman Perry Belmont, son of Wall Street banker and the Rothschilds’ paid American representative August Belmont.
Lelliĭ Petrovich Zamoĭskiĭ’s “Behind the Facade of the Masonic Temple” (1989) briefly mentions the Russian aristocracy during the Czarist era, though—at least last I checked—does not explicitly assert any specific Czars themselves were Freemasons.
To restate and expand: Futurism/dispensationalism explicitly denies the day-year prophetic link substantiated in Num. 14:34 and Ezek. 4:6b. Historicist eschatology identifies the three-and-a-half years (Dan. 7:25, 12:7; Rev. 12:14), forty-two months (Rev. 11:2, 13:5), and 1,260 days (Rev. 11:3, 12:6), as all in understood through the day-year framework in tautological reference to the 1,260 years of papal mass-murderous dominance from 538-1798 A.D., whereas dispensationalism arbitrarily interprets the time frame as a literalized three-and-a-half years in the far future frame of the biblical prophetic timeline.
May 3, 2022, “Pope Francis: ‘I am ready to meet Putin in Moscow,’” Vatican News.
Aug. 29, 2023, “Kremlin says Pope’s comments on Russian history are ‘very gratifying,’” Reuters.
Patrick Smith (Aug. 29, 2023), “Vatican defends pope's praise of ‘great’ Russian Empire after fury in Ukraine,” NBC News.
Paolo Santalucia, Nicole Winfield (Sep. 18, 2023), “Pope meets with new Russian ambassador as second Moscow mission planned for his Ukraine peace envoy,” Associated Press.
Oct. 14, 2024, “Cardinal Zuppi visits Moscow as papal envoy to seek peace in Ukraine,” Vatican News.
Lucy Ash (Oct. 3, 2024), “How the War in Ukraine Split the Orthodox Church,” The Moscow Times.
May 5, 2024, “Ukraine’s Zelenskyy calls God an ‘ally’ against Russia in Orthodox Easter message,” Associated Press.
Mar. 21, 2022, “Why is Russia’s church backing Putin’s war? Church-state history gives a clue,” The Conversation.
George Wright, Aleks Phillips (Nov. 16, 2024), “Zelensky says war will ‘end sooner’ with Trump as president,” BBC News.
Michael D. Carroll (Nov. 20, 2024), “Putin Open to Trump’s Ukraine Peace Plan, Aims to Avoid Concessions—Reports,” Newsweek.
Aug. 27, 2024, “Pope Francis condemns Ukraine’s ban on Russian Orthodox Church,” National Catholic Reporter.
Mr. Goldstein, pardon me, I don’t mean to offend, but your style is so turgid I can’t make out what it is you’re trying to convey. “Zionazi” I get, but it’s unnecessary. I guess you’re against the genocide, as are all people with the least amount of decency. In other words, everyone with an iota of common sense.
In short, your work smacks to me as conspiro-theorising. As a secular Jew, I admire the history and many of the Jesuit’s accomplishments. Not all. But how in hell did an always rather small society like the Jesuits get into your stories. Brits, nazis, bolshies, crazy zionists, et alia? Geez. Just saying.
In solidarity,
Pepe Bach