The ‘Jewish’-supremacist origin of Nazism, pt. 2: Kabbalah and Thule
What, your high school history class never told you about this?
An introductory distinction
Much as I’d like to get straight to the point, a caveat of clarification is crucial. First off, when I put “Jewish” in quotation marks, I am in zero way referring to the Torah-observing Mosaic Judaism of the Holy Scriptures. Rather, the reference is towards a sinister ideology masquerading itself under “Jewish” guises to justify and conceal its occult ideology: Kabbalism.
Per Chabad, the leading Zionist sect of Kabbalistic Orthodox “Judaism”:1
Inside the body of Jewish practice breathes an inner wisdom—the soul of Judaism. We often call it ‘Kabbalah’, meaning ‘receiving.’ Just as Jewish practice is received through an unbroken, ancient tradition from the revelation at Sinai, so is its soul. Kabbalah, then, is the received wisdom, the native theology and cosmology of Judaism.
First off, Chabad is clearly lying in despicable magnitudes when it asserts that Kabbalah traces its origin to a line of successive secret initiations stemming from Moses. The Hebrew prophet Isaiah declared YHWH/Jehovah’s true nature:2
“I have not spoken in secret, in a dark place of the earth: I said not unto the seed of Jacob, Seek ye me in vain: I the LORD speak righteousness, I declare things that are right.”
Mosaic Judaism is clear, crisp, to-the-point, and for everyone to hear and understand, not a cover masking “insider” esotericism for a clandestine cabal of “enlightened ones.” Kabbalism, by direct contrast, is so obviously marked by the belief in an artificial hierarchy of supremacist elitehood for an exclusive “chosen people.” (hence it being an inspiration for political Zionism3) See where this is getting?
What you were waiting for
One must remember that Nazism was only the political manifestation of a deeper ideology: Ariosophic neo-Teutonicism.4 For simplicity sake, I will summarize Ariosophy as the esoteric/occult root of “Aryan” racial supremacy, and “Teutonicism” as Germanic romanticism of ancient tribal-military traditions.5 This was the deep-seated ideology of the Thule Society (precursor to the Hitler-controlled Nazi Party), a pan-Germanic nationalist, reactionary, anti-Communist, and virulently anti-Jewish secret society whose members included future Nazi Party leaders: Rudolf Hess,6 Hans Frank,7 Karl Harrer,8 and Gottfried Feder,9 to name a few. By the way, Thule guest Alfred Rosenberg—a leading idealogue for Nazi racial theories—was apparently of Jewish ancestry.10 The irony never ceases, eh?
The political effects of Nazi racial ideology constituted an outgrowth the Thule Society, and Thule in turn constituted an outgrowth of the Ariosophic occultism founded by two key “Aryanist” forefathers: Guido von List and Lanz von Liebenfels.11 The readership of Liebenfels’s magazine Ostara included none other than Hitler,12 and von List was equally interesting: his “synthesis of the volkisch ideology, occultism, and Theosophy” linked the preservation of “gnosis” (Gnosticism)—from the ancient esoteric initiations of the Teutons—to the establishment of the Knights Templar and Rosicrucians.13
Now, both von List and von Liebenfels, as hardcore racialists who directly inspired Nazi ideology,14 were clearly anti-Semitic with an interior hatred of Jewry.15 Yet they simultaneously were avid students of Kabbalistic studies—per Kurlander:16
Though radical antisemites and proponents of Nordic racial superiority, both List and Liebenfels studied the origins of Korean, Japanese and Polynesian symbols, believed in Hindu reincarnation and karma, and dabbled in the Kabbalah (oddly, a common theme among otherwise radical antisemites). Liebenfels, Sebottendorf, Nauhaus and other Ariosophists were also ailiated with the Masonic Templar Order of the Orient (OTO), which drew explicitly on the Hindu, Chinese, Islamic and Kabbalistic practices in their initiations and liturgy. In fact Sebottendorf had moved to Istanbul before the First World War, obtained Turkish citizenship, and immersed himself in Islamic studies, eastern astrological practices and the Kabbalah, which he studied with a Turkish Jew.
This, right here, is the bombshell: to reiterate, List and Liebenfels—the early “influencers” behind a racialist neo-Teutonic ideology which culminated into history’s most horrific anti-Jewish pogrom, were Kabbalistic students of “Jewish” esoteric mysticism. Let that sink in for a moment, but this analysis is not over just yet.
Quoted in the above excerpt contains a brief mention of a certain “Sebottendorf”—Rudolf von Sebottendorf, the alias of Adam Alfred Rudolf Glauer. His well-documented involvement in Kabbalistic studies (as well as Rosicrucianism) is hilariously left out of Jewish Virtual Library’s biography of him for obvious reasons, though nonetheless remains a fact of history.17 Speaking of the Rosicrucians, its partial root in Kabbalism “was explained away in the SS report with the assertion of Aryan origins for the Kabbalah, a notion that had been embraced by Ariosophists.”18 Interesting of note as well is that List and Sebottendorf attributed the Kabbalah—unsurprisingly enough—not to Judaism, but Aryanism.19
Sebottendorf in Oct. 1918 ordered Karl Harrer and Anton Drexler—leader of the pre-Nazi German Workers’ Party (DAP)—to initiate the “Workers’ Circle” that soon culminated into the Nazi Party.20 Of course, the early insiders who “know too much” often become a liability once the regime grows in prominence. Sebottendorf’s publication Before Hitler Came (1933) landed him an imprisonment by Himmler the following year as the book was suppressed by the Nazis.21
Remember that Chabad quote in the beginning of this post which glowingly attributed Kabbalism as “the soul of Judaism”? Now you know that Nazism and modern Kabbalistic-Zionist “Jewish” ideology are two sides to the same coin.
Tzvi Freeman, “What Is Kabbalah?” Chabad.
Isaiah 45:19 (KJV).
Walter J. Veith, “The King of the North, pt. 2: Repairing the Breach,” YouTube.
Nazism is a political syncretism of “far-right” volkisch Germanic supremacism structured on ultra-violent, “socialistic”-Bolshevist revolutionism. This combination—as designed by intention—manifests inevitably in unprecedented levels of racial terrorism.
The conservative European Jewish historian and Holocaust escapee Samuel Igra touched on the Teutonic origins of Nazi homosexuality in “Germany’s National Vice.”
Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke (Aug. 2001), “Black Sun: Aryan Cults, Esoteric Nazism, and the Politics of Identity,” p. 114.
Michael Marrus (1989), “The Origins of the Holocaust, Pt. 2,” p. 92.
Philip Gardiner (Jun. 15, 2007), “Secret Societies: Revelations about the Freemasons, Templars, Illuminati, Nazis, and the Serpent Cults,” p. 179.
The Commonweal (Sep. 4, 1936), vol. XXIV, iss. XIX, p. 444.
Matt Davis (Oct. 9, 2019), “The Nazis’ love affair with the occult,” Big Think.
Richard Terrell (2011), “Christ, Faith, and the Holocaust,” p. 65.
Howard Morgan (Apr. 14, 2015), “So Deeply Scarred,” p. 20.
John Efron, “The Jews: A History.”
Eric Kurlander (Nov. 14, 2012), “Hitler’s Monsters: The Occult Roots of Nazism and the Emergence of the Nazi ‘Supernatural Imaginary,’” p. 538.
Stephen E. Flowers (Sep. 20, 2022), “The Occult in National Socialism: The Symbolic, Scientific, and Magical Influences on the Third Reich.”
David Luhrssen (2012), “Hammer of the Gods: The Thule Society and the Birth of Nazism,” p. 49.
Ibid., p. 61.
Joseph Howard Tyson, “Hitler's Mentor: Dietrich Eckart, His Life, Times, and Milieu,” p. 123.
Ibid., p. 125.
Gnosticism is not defined by its quest towards Gnosis. Gnosticism is defined by its view that the formal cause of the world is intrinsically evil or at least inferior. Platonists like Von List certainly did not believe such things, and many ancient Platonists, while believing in Gnosis, strongly rejected their gnostic contemporaries.
Also, Alfred Rosenberg was not of Jewish ancestry, that was slander. Are you actually ethnically Jewish?
Two sides of the same coin or perhaps the two cheeks of the same ars.
Here an animation of their “same” symbol.