Mr. Goldstein, pardon me, I don’t mean to offend, but your style is so turgid I can’t make out what it is you’re trying to convey. “Zionazi” I get, but it’s unnecessary. I guess you’re against the genocide, as are all people with the least amount of decency. In other words, everyone with an iota of common sense.

In short, your work smacks to me as conspiro-theorising. As a secular Jew, I admire the history and many of the Jesuit’s accomplishments. Not all. But how in hell did an always rather small society like the Jesuits get into your stories. Brits, nazis, bolshies, crazy zionists, et alia? Geez. Just saying.

In solidarity,

Pepe Bach

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> "but your style is so turgid I can’t make out what it is you’re trying to convey"

Yes, the tone of my writing here on Substack has a bend to it. Initially it was my intention to write with "academic profession," but the insertion of sardonic humor is, to my admission, simply too fun to pass up.

> "but it's unnecessary"

It's not my fault the word "Zionazi" was coined with terrible tardiness; if mainstream observers were more than happy to use "Communazi" as a pejorative description of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, why not "Zionazi Pact" for Haavara?

> "your work smacks to me as conspiro-theorising"

Well, what am I supposed to believe, that global events are the product of organically random coincidences? Besides, I provided dozens of high-quality citations to prove the links in between, and pieced-together massive pictures necessitate sensibly condensed explanations.

> "But how in hell did an always rather small society like the Jesuits get into your stories"

Watch Walter Veith's "Total Onslaught" series, specifically his lectures on Freemasonry, secret societies, and the New World Order. The Jesuits as the inheritors of the Knights Templar Johannite/occult tradition comprise the central seat of the Satanic cauldron and therefore are the masters of cabalistic black magic among dark secrets of ancient knowledge employed to the most unscrupulously sinister ends.

> "Brits, nazis, bolshies, crazy zionists, et alia?"

I explained the connections in this article. If you read it in full, it should all add up.

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Okay. Thanks for responding. I now feel obliged to read it in full. Pepe

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No problem; if you have any further (good-faith) questions, I'll be happy to address them the best I can.

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Freaking hilarious

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