Anglosubversion’s origin: how ‘Jewish’ supremacy created white supremacy
Two sides to the same coin!
I’ve more or less made this point boldly clear and will continue to articulate: Zionism and neo-Nazism are inverted mirror replicas of one another. If there is one narrative both sides of that third-rate Jewish civil war will unconditionally assent to, it is the sentiment of a ferociously dualistic mutual opposition between white supremacy and “Jewish” supremacy, Zionists boasting themselves the enemies of white supremacists and white supremacists pandering themselves off as the “saviors” of white civilization from a (rather nonexistent) “Jewish anti-white” plot.
Yet in actual fact—as those of us well-informed on the criminal history of Anglo-Zionism are aware—Anglo-American “white”1 supremacy and Zionist “Jewish” supremacy are identical replicas of one another.2 Although the story actually doesn’t cease there just yet: there is a trail of historical evidence proving the formation of that particular “Anglo-Saxon” racist superiority complex—known commonly as “white supremacy”—is entirely rooted in racially literalized “Jewish” supremacist pretexts.
I: Anglo-Freemasonry’s development
Before I head into the “spicy” crux you’re eager to hear, first things first: “white” supremacy is an artificially conjured social construct of Anglosubversive Scottish Rite Freemasonry whose initiation rites were interpolated in strange circumstances from the earliest “continental” Masonic hierarchies.
Pt. I: ‘rosy’ roots
Notwithstanding my lacking expertised knowledge of Rosicrucianism, for simplicity sake let’s just say it represented some late-stage “intermediary” phase of the global conspirators’ well-known organization cohesion between the French monarchy’s devastating blow to the Knights Templar and eventual consolidation of Freemasonry into the Jesuit Order. Rosicrucianism (“Rosy Cross”)—an alchemically Hermeticist “synthetic cult”3 creation by the Jesuit4 Robert Fludd—is utterly and undeniably soaked into Freemasonic symbolism. The 18th degree of both the Grand Orient of France (GOF) and Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite (GOF only reaches up to the 18th5 and not the 33rd, which is exclusive to SR6) is the “Knight of the Rose Croix”7—yes, the French term “Rose Croix” translates literally to “rose cross.”

Recall the concluding quote from Blavatsky in this post?8
It is curious to note too that most of the bodies which work these, such as the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, the Rite of Avignon, the Order of the Temple, Fessler’s Rite, the Grand Council of the Emperors of the East and West-Sovereign Prince Masons,’ etc., etc., are nearly all the offspring of the sons of Ignatius Loyola. The Baron Hundt, Chevalier Ramsay, Tschoudy, Zinnendorf, and numerous others who founded the grades in these rites, worked under instructions from the General of the Jesuits. The nest where these high degrees were hatched, and no Masonic rite is free from their baleful influence more or less, was the Jesuit College of Clermont at Paris.
‘That bastard foundling of Freemasonry, the “Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite,” which is unrecognised by the Blue Lodges, was the enunciation, primarily, of the brain of the Jesuit Chevalier Ramsay.
Take very careful note now:
Scottish Rite degrees were manufactured by agents of the Jesuit Order, deviant from the regular continental “Blue Lodges”;
Grand Orient Freemasonry only reaches up to 18 degrees;
the 18th and highest degree of the GOF is explicitly Rosicrucian
Is this a recurring theme of the “original” proto-Jesuitized continental Freemasonic branches? Let’s examine…
Did you catch that?
You read that right—also in the French Rite, of the “Four Orders” the fourth is entitled “Sovereign Prince Rose-Croix.” It appears—IOWs—the earliest incarnations of Freemasonry from the standpoint of the initiated hopefuls looked towards the apex of Rosicrucianism as the height of esoteric enlightenment. To an extent this tradition is apparently still carried into the Scottish Rite:9
Masonic Encyclopedia states:10
Read into the epilogue for an extra tidbit into the Jesuit-Rosicrucian link…
Pt. II: cabbalism
Undoubtedly the development of Scottish Rite Freemasonry was intensely shaped by the faux-“Jewish” school of mysticism known as Kabbalism, in actuality nothing short of Babylonian cabalistic threads stitched under a syncretic “Judaic” garb.11 Cabalism is the driving force behind Zionist “Jewish supremacy”—cf.:
Let’s consult the horse’s mouth—here’s 33rd-degree Scottish Rite Freemasonic boss Albert Pike’s Morals and Dogma:12
The Trinity of the Deity, in one mode or other, has been an article in all creeds. He creates, preserves, and destroys. He is the generative power, the productive capacity, and the result. The immaterial man, according to the Kabalah, is composed of vitality, or life, the breath of life ; of soul or mind, and spirit. Salt, sulphur, and mercury are the great symbols of the alchemists. To them man was body, soul, and spirit.
Alchemy? Remind you of… Roscrucianism? Let’s keep digging through:13
The Gnostics derived their leading doctrines and ideas from Plato and Philo, the Zendavesta and the Kabalah, and the Sacred books of India and Egypt ; and thus introduced into the bosom of Christianity the cosmological and theosophical speculations, which had formed the larger portion of the ancient religions of the Orient, joined to those of the Egyptian, Greek, and Jewish doctrines, which the Neo-Platonists had equally adopted in the Occident.
There you have it! A top esoteric Satanist documents right here that Gnosticism is the product of Kabbalism. Cont.:14
The Kabalistic doctrine was long the religion of the Sage and the Savant; because, like Freemasonry, it incessantly tends toward spiritual perfection, and the fusion of the creeds and Nationalities of Mankind. In the eyes of the Kabalist, all men are his brothers; and their relative ignorance is, to him, but a reason for instructing them. There were illustrious Kabalists among the Egyptians and Greeks, whose doctrines the Orthodox Church has accepted; and among the Arabs were many, whose wisdom was not slighted by the Mediaeval Church.
The Sages proudly wore the name of Kabalists. The Kabalah embodied a noble philosophy, pure, not mysterious, but symbolic.
The Kabalah is the key of the occult sciences… the Gnostics were born of the Kabalists.
Can it get any more clear?15
Masonry is a search after Light. That search leads us directly back, as you see, to the Kabalah.
Don’t miss this fantastic statement either:16
All truly dogmatic religions have issued from the Kabalah and return to it: everything scientific and grand in the religious dreams of all the illuminati, Jacob Bcehme, Swedenborg, Saint Martin, and others, is borrowed from the Kabalah; all the Masonic associations owe to it their Secrets and their Symbols.
The Kabalah alone consecrates the alliance of the Universal Reason and the Divine Word; it establishes, by the counterpoises of two forces apparently opposite, the eternal balance of being; it alone reconciles Reason with Faith, Power with Liberty, Science with Mystery; it has the keys of the Present, the Past, and the Future.
One is filled with admiration, on penetrating into the Sanctuary of the Kabalah, at seeing a doctrine so logical, so simple, and at the same time so absolute.
Let’s dissect this down briefly:
“issued from the Kabalah and return to it”—remind you of ouroboros?
“alliance of the Universal Reason”—IOWs, Hellenistic claptrap
“two forces apparently opposite”—Gnostic dualism
It gets even better:17
In the view of the Kabalah, God and the Universe were One; and in the One General, as the type or source, were included and involved, and from it have been evolved and issued forth, the manifold and all particular.
Oh, so if “God and the Universe were One,” the corollary is that sparks of divinity can be found in the creation, making humans gods also? No wonder cabalistically deluded dopeheads believe in superiority concepts.
The self-implicating admissions still fail to cease:18
The Templars, like all other Secret Orders and Associations, had two doctrines, one concealed and reserved for the Masters, which was Johannism; the other public, which was the Roman Catholic. Thus they deceived the adversaries whom they sought to supplant.
Hence Free-Masonry [sic], vulgarly imagined to have begun with the Dionysian Architects or the German Stoneworkers, adopted Saint John the Evangelist as one of its patrons, associating with him, in order not to arouse the suspicions of Rome, Saint John the Baptist, and thus covertly proclaiming itself the child of the Kabalah and Essenism together.
And there you have it—from the horse’s mouth, Pike admits Freemasonry hijacked an identification with “St. John,” attempting to deny while ostensibly confirming its neo-Templar veneer of Johannism. The symbolism of the Knights Templar is of course a staple subject of esoteric glorification in white supremacy.
Pt. III: Scottish Rite and British Israelism
One source notes:19
Anglo-Israelism and Freemasonry overlapped and supported one another: both emerged from the conflict between Catholics and Protestants in the seventeenth century, and both movements placed the Israelites of the Old Testament in a place of special significance within a dense, mystical, and mythological reconstruction of the past. Indeed, Freemasonry was first codified in its modern form, the Scottish Rite, by the cognoscenti of the Scottish Enlightenment in the early eighteenth century, soon spreading among the elites of the English court and members of the Royal Academy.
Accordingly, Masonic beliefs are a prominent part of the Anglo-Israelite literature of the nineteenth century. Books… melded Anglo-Israelism and Freemasonry to show that the Anglo-Saxons were the true Israelites, and that the British Empire was the fulfillment of biblical prophecy.
Researcher David Livingstone observes:20
While normally associated with the Nazis, the notion of an Aryan race was created from the racist tendencies of the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, particularly among the German Romantics. The theory is also closely associated with the pre-Adamite hypothesis of millenarian Isaac La Peyrère as well as British-Israelism. But the theory was further influenced by the notion first proposed by Emanuel Swedenborg and popularized by Scottish Rite Mason, Chevalier Ramsay, of the Hindu Tantra as an expression of an ‘Asian Kabbalah,’ which provided the opportunity to propose an origin of the occult tradition in a people other than the Jews, and to identify them as the purported ancestors of the Europeans.
Once again: Nazi racialism is intricately tied to Jewish supremacist thinking patterns. And what else did these British Israelites believe? Well:21
For other interpreters, the Bolshevik Revolution pointed toward an ominous role for Soviet Russia as the final enemy of Israel. But what heightened the excitement to fever pitch was the Declaration on November 2, 1917 by the British Foreign Secretary, Arthur Balfour, that the British government viewed with favor the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people.
Remember my posting about Christian Zionism as a “revelation of the method psyop”? Don’t forget also sec. I, pt. I, of “Anglosubversion”:
Anyhow, Shaftesbury and Palmerston were hardly the first in Europe:22
…to promote the idea of the restoration of the Jews. It was Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821) who in 1799 issued a letter to the Jews of Europe appealing to them to return to that ancient homeland under French protection. Here Napoleon called the Jews: ‘Israelites, unique nation,’ and, ‘Rightful heirs of Palestine’ and he called upon them to reestablish ‘your political existence as a nation.’
Napoleon of course was not only a Freemasonic insider but enacted white supremacist imperialist. That topic may or may not be for another time; anyhow, it’s important to also grasp the fact that British Israelism as an ideological driving force pairs hand-in-hand chronologically with the nation’s imperialist conquests:23
The Lost Tribe excitement spread to the Puritan-led government under Oliver Cromwell. In 1653, Cromwell cited God's message to Israel in the sixty-eighth psalm to claim that he and his supporters were chosen by God to preside over the establishment of His rule on earth. Cromwell's rump ‘Little Parliament’ briefly replaced the English constitution with the Hebrew Bible's Laws of Moses. In 1655, after fierce lobbying by Menasseh, Parliament voted to rescind the ban on Jews. The vote stirred violent passions, with charges that Cromwell was secretly Jewish and that his brethren, on their return, would buy Saint Paul’s Cathedral, but the law was passed, thanks to the power of the Lost Tribes legend.
II: crux of the matter
Simply put, white supremacy as understood in its “Anglo-Saxon superiority” flavor is undeniably intertwined with a premised “axiom” of assumption that ethnic Brits are the descendants of ancient Hebrews, and directly because of this alleged ethnolineage the following conclusion can be drawn: “white Anglo-Saxon British people are the ‘real Hebrews’ by blood and hence ‘superior.’” Seeing the picture here? None other than the postulated belief of Hebrew/Jewish supremacy drives white supremacy.
Notably, the white supremacist core of the Ku Klux Klan is historically (and otherwise) traceable back to British Israelism,24 countless adherents in both the United States and Canada propagating Anglo-Israelite sensationalism in the 20th century.25 KKK antisemitism even became a selective endeavor of categorically separating the “good German” Jews from “bad Eastern European Judaized Mongol” immigrants!26 This of course transpired under the 1920s-era directives of Imperial Lizard “Wizard” Hiram Wesley Evans, a documented Freemason27 in Scottish Rite of the 32nd degree.2829
III: the cult continues—Anglo-Masonic conspirators manufacture ‘Christian Identity’
In case you didn’t know, “Christian Identity” is British Israelism at its culminated worst levels of grotesque militant racism, its details one bottomless collection of disturbing beliefs this author would rather not specify. Alongside its outward white supremacist veneer it—as a parallel sect to Kahanist Jewish Nazis, “Islamic suicide bombers, and Japanese armageddonist terrorists”30—held “significant influence”:31
…within a number of paramilitary groups and in the militias, which overlap factions within the U.S. intelligence community and military units such as the Special Forces.
It also turned out that the supposed “spontaneously fringe” white supremacist and American Nazi groupings were all ideologically hooked to the “masonic hoax”32 of British Israelism: 1930s-era Hitlerite paramilitary Silver Shirts figurehead William Dudley Pelley; “Rev.” Gerald L. K. Smith; Ku Klux Klan agitator Wesley Swift; Jewish Nazi and Swift associate William Potter Gale.33
notes:34In his book Religion and the Racist Right: The Origins of the Christian Identity Movement, author Michael Barkun presents a nagging paradox, which he never solves. He reports that British Israelism originates with the British military, the Anglican Church, the British upper classes, who are fanatical loyalists to the government, the British Empire. Yet, this mother has given birth to the Christian Identity Movement, whose racist paranoia and paramilitary anger are aimed against the government, the United States government. Barkun cannot puzzle out the mystery, how the same historical movement can both support the government, and oppose the government!
Epilogue: did the Jesuit Order invent ‘British Israelite’ white supremacy?
Protestant apologist and evangelist James Arendt asserts:35
It’s difficult to trace the movement of British-Israelism directly to the Vatican; however, some clarity can be attained by looking at the organizations involved with the movement. The Jesuit-led Vatican is the common denominator of power in Britain, Israel, and the United States.
Per Chaitkin:36
It is necessary first to bring to light a myth known as British Israelism, which stands behind Pentecostalism. This is an evil piece of historical race gossip, spread into American religion, into the ranks of American populists, poisoning the minds of separatists and Armageddon terrorists.
The British monarchy and its prime ministers and Foreign Office fabricated British Israelism in the nineteenth century, from earlier versions of the story. They claimed that Queen Victoria was descended from the Biblical King David, and was thus a descendant of the Davidic family tree that produced Jesus. They taught that the tribes of Israel wandered into northern Europe; that by this supposed genealogy, the British are the real Chosen People, and the British Empire is thus God’s empire.
The modern Jews, by this British account, are not the historical Hebrews of Old Testament Israel, but rather, the British are. But, says the British Israel myth, in a leap of logic, the Jews need to be put into Palestine, to fulfill prophecy, get slaughtered in a war with the Muslims, and bring about the End Times.
Remember that section in sec. I about Rosicrucianism? Again from that very Masonic Encyclopedia entry we find this peculiar record:37
Clavel, with his usual boldness of assertion, which is too often independent of facts, declares that the [18th] Degree was invented by the Jesuits for the purpose of eountermining the insidious attacks of the freethinkers upon the Roman Catholic religion, but that the philosophers parried the attempt by seizing upon the Degree and giving to all its symbols an astronomical signification.
The Masonic entry proceeds with a denial against the charge of Jesuits creating the 18th degree whose details are much too complex for this author to elaborate into. However, as you (hopefully) read in sec. I, pt. I, it is established that the cult of Rosicrucianism was itself a Jesuit creation.
Conclusive rundown
Jesuitism creates Rosicrucianism
Rosicrucianism seeps into the high initiations of early continental French Freemasonry, the 18th degree of the GOF reflective of this trend
the Jesuits manufacture Scottish Rite Freemasonry whose degrees 19-33 are continued from the 18° “Knight of the Rose Croix”
highly initiated SR proxies usurp Protestant England into a Freemasonic subsidiary of the Rome-situated Jesuit-Venetian axis
SR Anglo-Freemasonry—awash also in Kabbalistic mysticism—propagates the “British Israelite” doctrine that “white” Anglo-Saxons are ethnic descendants of the Ephrathite Ten Lost Tribes and therefore racially superior because they constitute the “real Hebrews”
Simply put: white supremacy and Jewish supremacy constitute a duo of fundamentally interchangeable racism consolidating into a singular cesspool at its highest level.
Utter artificially manufactured social construct based on circular reasoning, by the way—it revolves around a cultural Eurocentric identity rather than a universally designation of people by skin tone considering the various Semitic nations and ethnicities also lacking skin pigmentation.
Nada Elia (Aug. 24, 2017), “Birds of a feather: White supremacy and Zionism,” Middle East Eye.
Anton Chaitkin (1998), “Treason in America: From Aaron Burr to Averell Harriman,” sec. II, ch. X, p. 149.
Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. (Jan. 29, 1984), “The Present Scientific Implications of Vedic Calendars from the Standpoint of Kepler and Circles of Gauss,” Executive Intelligence Review, vol. XLIV, no. XVII, p. 54.
“History of the Grand Orient of France — Part One (1728-1815),” Nos Colonnes.
J. W. S. Mitchell (1859), “The History of Freemasonry and Masonic Digest,” vol. II, p. 98.
“The History of the 18°,” Scottish Rite, Northern Masonic Jurisdiction.
Helena P. Blavatsky (1884), “Isis Unveiled: a Master Key to the Mysteries of Ancient and Modern Science and Theology,” vol. II, pt. II, p. 390.
Matthew Christmas, “The Rose Croix,” The Consolidated Rite of Freemasonry.
“Rose Croix, Prince Of,” Masonic Encyclopedia.
Joseph Brewda (Nov. 2, 1990), “The cult origins of the fundamentalists behind the ‘Temple Mount’ plot,” Executive Intelligence Review, vol. XVII, no. XLII, p. 36.
Albert Pike (1871), “Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry,” p. 57.
Ibid., p. 248.
Ibid., pp. 625-26.
Ibid., p. 741.
Ibid., pp. 744-45.
Ibid., p. 765.
Ibid., pp. 817-18.
Jacob S. Dorman (Dec. 12, 2012), “Chosen People: The Rise of American Black Israelite Religions,” p. 77.
David Livingstone (Jun. 16, 2013), “Black Terror White Soldiers: Islam, Fascism & the New Age,” p. 169.
Brian Stanley (Jun. 26, 2018), “Christianity in the Twentieth Century: A World History,” ch. I, p. 25.
Gerhard Falk (2006), “The Restoration of Israel: Christian Zionism in Religion, Literature, and Politics,” p. 17.
Jon Entine (Oct. 24, 2007), “Abraham’s Children: Race, Identity, and the DNA of the Chosen People,” ch. II.
Steve E. Atkins (Sep. 13, 2011), “Encyclopedia of Right-Wing Extremism in Modern American History,” p. 137.
Tore Bjørgo (1995), “Terror from the Extreme Right,” p. 51.
Linda Gordon (Oct. 24, 2017), “The Second Coming of the KKK: The Ku Klux Klan of the 1920s and the American Political Tradition,” ch. III.
Lisa C. Maxwell (Jan. 1, 1995), “Evans, Hiram Wesley,” Texas State Historical Association.
William J. Whalen (1958), “Christianity and American Freemasonry,” p. 22.
Paul A. Fisher (Mar. 1988), “Behind The Lodge Door: The Church, State And Freemasonry In America,” ch. IV, p. 97.
Anton Chaitkin (Nov. 14, 1997), “The Promise Keepers cult and homoerotic brainwashing,” Executive Intelligence Review, vol. XXIV, no. XLVI, p. 32.
Scott Thompson, Michael Minnicino (Nov. 14, 1997), “British Israelites and Empire,” Executive Intelligence Review, vol. XXIV, no. XLVI, p. 40.
Anton Chaitkin (Aug. 6, 1999), “British Commonwealth secret services deploy neo-Nazism,” Executive Intelligence Review, vol. XXVI, no. XXXI, p. 61.
Thompson, Minnicino, op. cit., pp. 40-41.
Anton Chaitkin (Aug. 22, 1997), “British Subversion of the United States, IV: Who is wagging your neighbor’s tongue? The militias and Pentecostalism,” Executive Intelligence Review, vol. XXIV, no. XXXIV, p. 37.
James Arendt (Feb. 2, 2022), “The Jesuit-led Vatican and the Anglo American Israeli Empire,” James Japan.
Chaitkin (Aug. 22, 1997), loc. cit.
Masonic Encyclopedia, loc. cit.
This is the first time I have heard this assertion since my father decades ago made uncannily similar observations . He was indeed involved with rosicrucianism and Gnostic movements , and indeed what you say has absolutely been asserted before in very private circles . British Israelism is without a doubt a very quietly but very assertively held belief . You have exposed it pretty ruthlessly . It takes a lot of unconscious forms , but over and over this theme really does occur across a cross section of British society , and the common connection has to be Masonry . I think you’re nailing this subject down much more with this article . You probably will become a Masonic target 🎯! You wont be popular ! You’re explaining something here that without doubt exists and has managed to hide in plain view for centuries .
Another great piece. Congrats!
People who think they are better than others merely because of their religion/skin colour/political beliefs are essentially ALL "brothers in arms"...even if they vehemently hate each other prima facie!