‘Christian Zionism’: Jesuit-manufactured ‘revelation of the method’ psyop?
Another facet to analyze…
Sometimes, more than you realize, identifying the simplest patterns can quickly implicate a conspiratorial link since there is nothing new under the sun. In my massive “Anglosubversion” posting (sec. IV), I briefly examined the Jesuit Order’s role in propagating the anti-historicist, anti-day/year theological underpinnings of “Futurism” that gave rise to “Christian” Zionazism/dispensationalism’s interpretation of biblical prophecy. Although a per se direct link between the Jesuits and (nominally) “Protestant” dispensationalism is rather difficult to conclusively prove AFAIK, there is at least one other elephant in the room it looks like no one else is talking about…
I: ‘red Antichrist’ trope
Communism—and by extension its (outwardly) chief Russian propagators from Moscow—were deemed the representation of an “antichrist” power by reactionary clericalists and Nazi-Fascist sympathizers1 during the 20th century (at least only cir. since the late 1920s after the Vatican-Bolshevik pact disintegrated2). According to Leo H. Lehmann’s The Converted Catholic Magazine:3
Austrian Clericals, formed through various coalitions, were united in their anti-Semitism and their hatred of Socialism, which they termed the ‘Red Antichrist.’
Ultramontane supporters of fascist regimes, including that of Franco,4 insinuated Communism’s role as “Antichrist”—the Jesuit F. Kwiatkowski said that Spain:5
…is bleeding for the world. ‘On its victory or defeat hangs in great measure the collapse or triumph of the Red minions of the Antichrist.’
To Catholics during the 1930s, “the Soviet Union was literally the Antichrist.”6 (within Russia, explicitly antisemitic notions of “Jewish antichrist” surfaced7) Right-wing adherents of the RCC linked Communism:8
…to ideas of apocalypse, to the Antichrist (who was commonly identified with Stalin), and to mystical revelation, through the figure of the Virgin Mary.
The “mystical revelation” aspect is probably linked to the 1917 so-called “Fatima messages” purporting to have warned of Bolshevism (apparently the attempted assassination of Pope John Paul II also, if you can believe it) ahead of time.9 Even if outwardly “true,” it’s clearly nothing more than a “revelation of the method” summarized by Prof. Walter J. Veith as thus (30:35):
Now, it’s not too difficult—if you’ve planned all these things from the beginning—to say what will happen. You see? Not too difficult.
II: Jesuit infiltration of the Orthodox Church?
According to Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr., of Executive Intelligence Review:10
In the Western Hemisphere, the Jesuits are some times called the ‘Society of Judas,’ because of their leading complicity in promoting Latin American terrorism and their alliance with the Church of England and Eastern Orthodox patriarchs in the effort to destroy the Roman Catholic Confession world-wide.
Whether it is true that the Jesuit Order’s “front” agents directly waged war on certain elements of Catholicism, I don’t know for sure—EIR has a rather unfortunate tendency of selectively exonerating certain obvious criminal elements from scrutiny, and the Vatican is one prime example. What is notable here is that LaRouche asserts the S.J. in their odious schemes cooperated directly with the Eastern Orthodox Church; elsewhere, the paper consistently describes a “Jesuit-Orthodox conspiracy”11 and designates the Russian Orthodox Church “KGB-linked.”12 (cf.) At face value, this is probably accurate—the Soviets did ruthlessly suppress Orthodox institutions and later co-opt their revival under Stalinist directives. (a parallel situation occurred in Cuba decades later: Communists destroyed its Catholic institutions and later oversaw their revival under government-supervised conditions)
Now, why is this section included? Because in my immediate research into the term “red antichrist,” it looks as if (post-1917) right-wing Orthodox elements also incorporate this trope into their own reactionary tenets.13
It’s worth noting anyways that any such “Jesuit-Orthodox conspiracy against Catholics” was probably nothing more than a typical ultramontanist effort by Rome’s agents to repress dissident Catholics as they’ve done for centuries, not one actually against Catholicism in the broader long-term as EIR presents it (unfortunately LaRouche and his contemporaries held a rather pro-Catholic bias). Leo H. Lehmann understood this issue with pinpoint precision in his analysis of Nazi Germany:14
Persecution of the Catholic church in Germany was directed only against those elements which did not entirety submit to the ever-increasing centralization of authority in church and state. To this end the Vatican helped to crush out the Catholic popular parties both in Italy and Germany and centralized all political matters in Home, This insured to the dictators freedom from popular interference on the part of Catholics; it established a more complete dictatorial regime within the Catholic church itself; it enables the Vatican to enter into secret concordats with fascist countries already existing, and with democratic countries, like Spain, France, Belgium and Portugal, after the destruction of their democratic governments by revolution and blitzkreig, Finally it leaves the way clear for complete harmony and unity between Nazi-Fascism and Jesuit Catholicism.
Full circle: if the Bolshevik Revolution coincided with a simultaneous Jesuit infiltration into the rankings of the Russian Orthodox Church as it faced destruction of its old Czarist facets by the Communists, that might explain why Orthodox rightists apparently in later years pushed the same “red Antichrist” trope as did ultramontane reactionary Catholics. Just some conspiratorial food for thought (as always).
III: all the same agitprop—scapegoating Russia
FYI: I already debunked the “Gog is Russia” dispensationalist narrative here:
It’s quite notable that the (Scottish Rite) Freemasonic acolytes of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary/Baylor University axis (which produced much of the mid-to-late 20th century’s top dispensationalist/“Christian Zionist”/charismatic mouthpieces) continued right where the ultramontane Jesuit/Catholic propaganda left off—rapture theologians “for many years… identified the Soviet Union as the Antichrist.”15 Well, well, well, who trained these “rapture theologians,” a cabal of Jesuit coadjutors? To premillennialists (who are “Protestant,” mind you), “the Soviet regime… became the embodiment of the Antichrist”!16 The Baylor/SBTS-educated “Southern Baptist” lunatic J. Frank Norris—who came to abandon17 his 1920s-30s era18 anti-Catholicism—not only bootlicked for popery in the immediate post-WWII era as a supporter of Pius XII19 (he even shilled for 33rd-degree20 Scottish Rite Freemasonic president Harry Truman’s appointment of an ambassador to the Vatican,21 at the time vociferously protested by America’s Protestant majority22) against Communism but ever-conveniently endorsed the 1948 creation of the Fourth Reich.23
Dallas as a cornerstone of early dispensationalism’s propagation was not only home to the ideology’s occultic/cabalistic24 “forefather” C. I. Scofield but also John Walvoord (president of the Dallas Theological Seminary), J. Dwight Pentecost, and Merrill Unger, leading a new guard of theological loudmouths claiming the Soviet Union constituted the “king of the north” (cf. Dan. 11 for context) power.25 Yet another source plainly observes:26
During the cold war [sic], dispensationalists readily interpreted the Soviet Union and its allies as the Antichrist. Passages such as Ezekiel 38–39 were read as predictions of an impending Soviet attack on Israel. A ten-member confederation—often interpreted as the European Union—was expected to join the Soviet Union in this attack.
The late “fundamentalist” kook Pat Robertson—son of Freemasonic27 congressman A. Willis Robertson (listed as “Past Master of Buena Vista Lodge No. 186 of Virginia and Past District Deputy Grand Master”28)—linked the Soviet Union to the Antichrist (as did 1930s-era American Nazi Gerald B. Winrod),29 predicting as well a Soviet invasion of the State of Israel.30 Another arch-loyal Zionist in this same umbrella category was Billy Graham,31 a well-documented fifth columnist (1:06:08):
His career utterly saturated in Freemasonic occultism, Graham once in an interview with (33rd-degree Freemason?) Robert Schuller repeated a “Masonic qualification” listed in Manly P. Hall’s The Lost Keys of Masonry (1923).3233 According to Jim Duke Perspective, the “evangelical” preacher was not only trained by Jesuits but even a New Age promulgator and accused s*x trafficking criminal.34
Fast forward to the present day, and you will observe that after the Zionist/Reichstag II false flag of Oct. 7 the American right-wing evangelical circles were awash to the brim with sensation(al hoaxes) claiming Russia constituted the (king of the north) “Gog/Magog” power of Ezekiel 38. The propaganda apparatus is the same: nothing has really changed under the sun. (you aren’t surprised, are you?)
Conclusive wrap-up (as usual)
Remember now that “dispensationalism” as publicly presented by Scofield was published long before the transpiration of Bolshevism and its scapegoating as some “red Antichrist” by Jesuit front movements. As you’d recall if you my previous postings about Anglosubversion and also the Protocols-Bolshevik hoax, the Communist takeover of Russia was of course manufactured by a combined Jesuit-Vatican/Anglo-Masonic/Wall Street conspiracy. Let’s piece the “timeline” together:
Theosophically/Kabbalistically steeped occultist Cyrus Scofield—as a (likely) Anglo-Masonic operative—pushes “dispensationalist” theology claiming Russia constitutes the “Gog”/“Magog” (a.k.a. antichrist/king of the north) power prophesied in Ezekiel 38-39.
Once the (post-October Revolution) Vatican-Bolshevik pact dissipated and reactionary Catholics worldwide vilified Communism, the Soviet Union and its ideology was deemed the “red Antichrist” by ultramontanist shills for Rome, along with possibly some fragmented “Orthodox” White Terror elements.
After World War II, the growing fifth column of (Anglo-Masonically sponsored) dispensationalism regurgitated this very frontist claptrap by Jesuit Catholicism about Communist Russia constituting the Antichrist.
To this day, dispensationalists/“Christian Zionists” fervently believe along duped “theological” grounds that Russia constitutes the king of the north/“Gog-Magog” power of Ezekiel 38-39, de facto spouting exactly the same nonsensical conclusion of “Russia is Antichrist” as Jesuit fascists did in the 1930s-40s under a different outward mask.
If dispensationalism will so loyally affirm ultramontane Jesuit dogma, maybe it’s not a stretch to just conclude, simply put, that it was invented by Jesuits all along? As you hopefully recall from sec. III, the 20th century propagation of dispensationalist theology within American Protestantism was tied to agents of Scottish Rite Freemasonry, which is well-documented to have been in cahoots with the Jesuit Order from its very inception. No better source than Theosophical occultist insider Helena Petrovna Blavatsky puts it quite plainly:35
It is curious to note too that most of the bodies which work these, such as the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, the Rite of Avignon, the Order of the Temple, Fessler’s Rite, the Grand Council of the Emperors of the East and West-Sovereign Prince Masons,’ etc., etc., are nearly all the offspring of the sons of Ignatius Loyola. The Baron Hundt, Chevalier Ramsay, Tschoudy, Zinnendorf, and numerous others who founded the grades in these rites, worked under instructions from the General of the Jesuits. The nest where these high degrees were hatched, and no Masonic rite is free from their baleful influence more or less, was the Jesuit College of Clermont at Paris.
‘That bastard foundling of Freemasonry, the “Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite,” which is unrecognised by the Blue Lodges, was the enunciation, primarily, of the brain of the Jesuit Chevalier Ramsay.
H. J. P. Bergmeier, Rainer E. Lotz (1997), “Hitler’s Airwaves: The Inside Story of Nazi Radio Broadcasting and Propaganda Swing,” pp. 65-66.
James Chappel (2018), “Catholic Modern: The Challenge of Totalitarianism and the Remaking of the Church,” p. 63.
J. J. Murphy, “Clerical Fascism in Austria,” The Converted Catholic Magazine, p. 64.
Ronald Modras (1994), “The Catholic Church and Antisemitism,” pp. 171-72.
Robert A. Rosenbaum (2010), “Waking to Danger: Americans and Nazi Germany, 1933-1941,” pp. 42-43.
Mondras, op. cit., p. 113.
Osman Bin Bakar, Manfred T. Brauch, Jean Bethke Elshtain, Marc Gopin, Christopher A. Hall, Kevin J. Hasson, Philip Jenkins, Douglas Johnston, Pauletta Otis, Harold H. Saunders, Chris Seiple, Joshua White (2004), “Religion and Security: The New Nexus in International Relations,” p. 32.
Eli Lederhendler (2005), “Jews, Catholics, and the Burden of History,” p. 98.
Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. (Nov. 17, 1981), “The Jesuits charge that LaRouche is ‘an agent of the Vatican,’” Executive Intelligence Review, vol. VIII, no. XLV, p. 35.
Augustinus (Mar. 13, 1984), “Will the Vatican destroy the filioque?” Executive Intelligence Review, vol. XI, no. X, p. 35.
Scott Thompson (Oct. 31, 1986), “Her Majesty’s (real) secret service,” Executive Intelligence Review, vol. XIII, no. XLIII, p. 50.
Arno J. Mayer (2000), “The Furies: Violence and Terror in the French and Russian Revolutions,” ch. XII, p. 466.
Leo H. Lehmann (1942), “Behind the Dictators: The Relationship of Roman Catholicism to Nazi-Fascism,” ed. I, ch. VIII, p. 51.
Richard T. Hughes (Jun. 25, 2009), “Christian America and the Kingdom of God,” p. 182.
Ken Fones-Wolf, Elizabeth A. Fones-Wolf (2015), “Struggle for the Soul of the Postwar South: White Evangelical Protestants and Operation Dixie,” p. 93.
Barry Hankins (1996), “God’s Rascal: J. Frank Norris and the Beginnings of Southern Fundamentalism,” pp. 151-52.
Kenneth C. Barnes (Nov. 2016), “Anti-Catholicism in Arkansas: How Politicians, the Press, the Klan, and Religious Leaders Imagined an Enemy, 1910–1960,” p. 169.
Michael E. Schepis (2012), “J. Frank Norris: The Fascinating, Controversial Life of a Forgotten Figure of the Twentieth Century,” pp. 190-91.
Brian Burnes (2003), “Harry S. Truman: His Life and Times,” p. 113.
Kevin J. Fernlund (1998), “The Cold War American West, 1945-1989,” p. 123.
Andrew S. Moore (2007), “The South's Tolerable Alien: Roman Catholics in Alabama and Georgia, 1945-1970,” p. 20.
Samuel K. Tullock (2014), “‘He, Being Dead, Yet Speaketh’: J. Frank Norris and the Texas Religious Right Midcentury,” The Texas Right: The Radical Roots of Lone Star Conservatism,
Ulrich R. Rohmer (Feb. 13, 2014), “The Blavatsky Effect: How Madame Influenced Modern Concepts of God and Jesus,” ch. III.
Edward H. Miller (Sep. 3, 2015), “Nut Country: Right-Wing Dallas and the Birth of the Southern Strategy,” p. 55.
Morris Glen Bowers (2005), “Israel: the 51st State: the Unspoken Foreign Policy of the United States of America,” p. 182.
“Robertse to Robertson,” The Political Graveyard.
William L. Fox (1997), “Lodge of the Double-headed Eagle,” p. 402.
Robert C. Fuller (1995), “Naming the Antichrist: The History of an American Obsession,” ch. V, p. 158.
Daniel Wojcik (Aug. 1997), “The End of the World As We Know It: Faith, Fatalism, and Apocalypse in America,” p. 47.
Georges Tamer, Lutz Greisiger, Andrew Mein (2013), “Gog and Magog: Contributions Toward a World History of an Apocalyptic Motif,” p. 918.
Thomas P. Johnston (Mar. 12, 2003), “Examining Billy Graham’s Theology of Evangelism,” ch. IV, p. 295.
Manly P. Hall (1923), “The Lost Keys Of Freemasonry,” ch. V, pp. 94-95.
Jim Duke (Feb. 26, 2018), “The Untold Story Behind Billy Graham,” Jim Duke Perspective.
Helena P. Blavatsky (1884), “Isis Unveiled: a Master Key to the Mysteries of Ancient and Modern Science and Theology,” vol. II, pt. II, p. 390.
Thank you Emmanuel. It is forbidden in the Quran (Surat Al-Ma'idah [5:51-52]) for Muslims to form friendships or alliances with the fake Christian and Zionist alliance that is now ruling the world. You have to have some knowledge in Islamic eschatology to understand the Quran or you can be misled by the deceitful fake Muslim ideology meant to serve Dajjal.
Here is a good source of information (he is Sufi).