This is the first time I have heard this assertion since my father decades ago made uncannily similar observations . He was indeed involved with rosicrucianism and Gnostic movements , and indeed what you say has absolutely been asserted before in very private circles . British Israelism is without a doubt a very quietly but very assertively held belief . You have exposed it pretty ruthlessly . It takes a lot of unconscious forms , but over and over this theme really does occur across a cross section of British society , and the common connection has to be Masonry . I think you’re nailing this subject down much more with this article . You probably will become a Masonic target 🎯! You wont be popular ! You’re explaining something here that without doubt exists and has managed to hide in plain view for centuries .

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> "He was indeed involved with rosicrucianism and Gnostic movements , and indeed what you say has absolutely been asserted before in very private circles"

Looks like I might onto *some*-things!

> "British Israelism is without a doubt a very quietly but very assertively held belief"

Definitely not surprising -- considering British intelligence has for centuries operated as a vital intermediary asset of the Jesuit-Venetian-Maltese papal priesthood + nobility, it definitely looks like the multiple occultic layers of British racialist supremacy outwardly embodied by Anglo-Israelism was shrewdly prepared for purposes carried out into manifestation as intricately planned.

> "You have exposed it pretty ruthlessly"

Glad to hear, and thank you.

> "It takes a lot of unconscious forms , but over and over this theme really does occur across a cross section of British society , and the common connection has to be Masonry"

Agreed. My friend Ivan M. Paton characterizes this pernicious empire as the "Zion Imperial Cult" considering these secret societies all share a common thread of supermacist ideology rooted in the notion their attained cabalistic gnosis elevates them to an intrinsically higher status of supreme exaltation above the lowly uninitiated "catechumen."

> "I think you’re nailing this subject down much more with this article . You probably will become a Masonic target 🎯"

Delighted to hear I seem to be on the right track cracking down on clandestine "hidden" machinations. Whether my life will face endangerment in the near future, I don't know, though definitely I am trying to stay on safe sides in the present moment.

> "You wont be popular !"

Oh LOL I'm *already* not that popular 😂 -- even here on Substack where dissidents left and right are supposed to accept a fuller explanation of reality exposing the reactionary cabal, at various angles the majority/plurality are too soaked in dualist "my side good" denialism to stick around considering my full exposition in the long run.

Yes, even within the Palestine human rights movement, trying to convince most people about the clandestine overarching duplicity leveraged by a central conspiratorial cabal at all angles too often yields a feeble audience of devoted listeners. Sadly in the "left" it is a taboo to veer into "conspiracy theory" so a large section will instantly shut their ears from any consideration that their sympathetic pet devotions i.e. Communism were nothing more than manufactured fronts by an Anglo-Jesuit syndicate.

Probably at some point I'll become a de jure black sheep in the subcultural "community" I grew up in and become widely disbelieved in where I live in the circumstance I become increasingly well-known at a later stage. As the old saying goes, "no prophet is accepted in his hometown." (Luke 4:24)

> "managed to hide in plain view for centuries"

Absolutely agreed, Bufo. 1-2 months ago I watched the DuckTales episode "Beaglemania" and realized its plot was an analogy for the Anglo-Jesuit control of the Rothschilds in the 1910s because TV shows are classic "revelation of the method" implicitly exposing how the global power structure works.

Basically in "Beaglemania," the Beagle Boys by last-minute circumstance due to a save from Ma become a hit rock band earning record money for both themselves and Scrooge, who owns the studio. Ma then hounds/bosses them too hard, leading the Beagle Boys to fire her. Amidst the Beagle Boys going straight into reformed semi-integrity and their eager list of pricey demands for Scrooge to fulfill as part of the contract, Scrooge is then urged by Ma Beagle into a conspiracy to sabotage the Beagle Boys' rock career -- at the last minute the Beagle Boys don't have a song to sing for a concert and are desperate enough to capitulate to Ma's demands so she gives them a song the split second before the concert; the song is a sabotage insulting the audience, but the Beagle Boys didn't even review the song beforehand so they sang it thinking it would save them, only for the audience to instantly revile them. Then the Boys are driven back into criminality directed by their mother.

The analogy is this: the Rothschilds went off-script during the Franco-Russian era when they and the Nobels directed the Royal Dutch Co. into bilateral deals with Czar Nicholas II's empire the Vatican hated. Since the Rothschilds were supposed to operate within the confines of its papal "mother," probably the Anglo-Jesuit axis was fuming. And so the Jesuit Order in coordination with British intelligence disseminated the forged "Protocols of Zion" and the subsequent Bolshevik destruction of Russia ended the Franco-Russian Alliance, Rothschild-Nobel owned Royal Dutch Co. assets in Russia, and French interests. The subsequent anti-Semitic fervor generated by the Protocols of Zion forced the Rothschilds back into full harmony with the Anglo-Jesuit axis after the Bolsheviks expropriated those assets, forcing a tremendous loss for both the Grand Orient Freemasonically dominated Third Republic and Rothschilds.

In essence, the Protocols of Zion analogically correspond to the sabotage song in "Beaglemania." See the parallels?

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Yes very interesting answers . It would also be very interesting to see you dissect the Anglo - Jesuit influence on the development of radical Islam. As this is of parallel importance to understanding where this is going.

Certainly Wahhabism was an obscure creed until indulged in its cultivation by the last gasps of the British empire very much running chronologically in parallel with preceding years to the run up to the creation of the Israeli state .

A counter weight to future Jewish territorial over ambition ? This counter weight is fundamentally and implacably opposed to ANY presence of Jews in the ME. It prevents any real Jewish power but it does serve the interests of Occultists. Again the Rothschild principle at work - bankroll BOTH sides !

IS was absolutely a manufactured front comprising PR, middle managers , a raft of western tools of governance and power were put together in a “branded “ Islamic package that despite externals ,had all the hallmarks of Western custodianship .

The Jews are really in quite a wretched position when you consider your Anglo-Jesuit angle . Western govs clearly support large scale Islamic migration . It puts Jewry on a collision course with Islam in the west , and a likely migration - US the new Jerusalem - and Israel the literal Jerusalem .

Damned as they are this serves the purpose of removing Jewish power from western societies in the long term , placing them ALL in an implacably hostile region , where in fact the most reactionary elements of Islam have been assiduously cultivated by , well - your no 1 suspects .

So the result is Jews get custodianship of Israel on behalf of their western wardens , are expelled from the west gradually to Israel and there are submerged in forever wars . Expansion entirely at the largesse of western donors who can pull the plug at any time .

It’s quite a shitty position in truth and I am forever amazed how Jews cannot see this slow motion game of end stage / “final solution “ manipulation going on . So fooled are they by their sense of power and influence over the west they do not see the very ground beneath them crumbling , that will sweep them away . In europe this is practically guaranteed. Or they see it but do not understand the guiding hand at work .

Israel is the land of milk and honey 🍯 (Traps 🪤 ) and that is where the cabal will find its final solution for the Jewish question . An apocalyptic war with Islam which results in their final destruction.

And the final move of the Maltese 🇲🇹 orders et al , moving in on Jerusalem .

Centuries of intrigue culminating in control of the (less than ) Holy land .

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> "Again the Rothschild principle at work - bankroll BOTH sides !"

Yes, with a catch: the Rothschilds are middlemen "court Jews" and not the chief controllers because they rely on the patronage dispensed by Anglo-Jesuit superiors. From the looks of things, the British Rothschilds were probably more consistently entrenched while the French branch leading into the Bolshevik Revolution and international psyop spree of Protocols-generated antisemitism actually supported the Franco-Russian Alliance in defiance of Vatican wishes. That might explain why the Jesuit-sponsored right-wing "antisemitic leagues" of France under Drumont's spearheading direction actively vilified the Rothschilds.

> "IS was absolutely a manufactured front comprising PR, middle managers , a raft of western tools of governance and power were put together in a “branded “ Islamic package that despite externals ,had all the hallmarks of Western custodianship ."


> "So the result is Jews get custodianship of Israel on behalf of their western wardens , are expelled from the west gradually to Israel and there are submerged in forever wars . Expansion entirely at the largesse of western donors who can pull the plug at any time"

Yeah, some while recently Influence through Confluence here on Substack pointed out the possible despicable conspiracy in the near future that Trump might order the forced deportation and relocation of anti-Zionist Jews in the United States to the Fourth Reich as part of the frenzied witchhunt against "Hamas supporting radicals" (a.k.a. peaceful protesters concerned with human rights and who oppose neo-Nazijews).

> "I am forever amazed how Jews cannot see this slow motion game of end stage / “final solution “ manipulation going on . So fooled are they"

Quite the sight to behold, definitely. This is one major reason I find the "Jewish world conspiracy" narrative utterly laughable. The "Jews" as a "collective" are like any other: too stupid to be the disproportionate stringpullers behind the scenes.

> "An apocalyptic war with Islam which results in their final destruction"

Yes, though with a catch: the actual purpose is converting Muslims en masse to Catholicism, pushing them into religious harmony with the Vatican.

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God the finally victory of the Universal church ⛪️. Let’s hope we don’t live long enough to see that Emmanuel . Though with your name you already see God on Earth 🤣 so have a head start

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Another great piece. Congrats!

People who think they are better than others merely because of their religion/skin colour/political beliefs are essentially ALL "brothers in arms"...even if they vehemently hate each other prima facie!

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How appropriate! Someone is waking up and smelling the coffee.

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Anyone who takes part in a club which claims supremacy is losing the plot. Insane and vain is the name of the game.

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wow 🤯 i never thought about the links between white supremacy and jewish supremacy in this way. seriously elucidating. thank you 🙏🏼

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Delighted to hear you find this posting informative, ontological intifada! Yes, there indeed are countless damning connections buried behind a mountain of filler distractions.

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This wasnt hidden really tho tbh. It was always pretty blatant where I was, in fact emphasized. It is only one of many many many supremacist ideas in the world tho. Most tribes or factions have an origin story and a reason why they are the real ones and not the 'other ones' . There is probably some truth to some of the imagined histories also. Even devoted communists tend to have racial favourites .

Many folks have been trying to reframe the relationship between christianity and judaism in order to avoid the pretty rotten mess we are now in . I agree with the above comments about where Israel is likely heading. Ive worried for decades about what would happen if Israelis discovered they failed their own national DNA criteria, which was highly likely.

I suspect in the future we may have a highly organised gene based feudal system. A lot of work is being conducted along those lines. What a very depressing thought.

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