I tried to tell my Karen Mom, because she loves Ben Carson, "That guy is just as much a neocon as any other Republican figure - you shouldn't listen to him." But she's clueless as to identify these Antichrist Christian-Nationalists, especially people like Ben Carson, since he talks in such a deceptive way and seems "harmless" because of the 'soft' way he speaks. But again, all of these people are "Christian" Nationalists; quotes intended, because Christianity is incompatible with Nationalism, which is pagan (at best); and really, 100% Satanic, since anyone misrepreseing Christianity on the World Stage, is doing so knowingly... Hell, that's literally their job.

I have found that "Speaker of House" Mike Johnson, and Marjorie Taylor Greene (not sure if I spelled her name right - don't care if I didn't, that lady is absolutely obnoxious) are simply playing pretend-christian; and let's not forget Washington is situated upon an upside-down pentagram. There are no Christians in the White House, only Devil worshippers in-disguise/"Christian Cosplayers" (credit to a guy named Brother Theo "unplugem" on YouTube for coming up with that very fitting, latter term).

(Note: Check out YouTube Pastor "Vodie Bauchum" for another very 'subtle' perverter of Christianity. Even I didn't catch it at first - these antichrists can be incredibly subtle!)

At this point, I'd probably by default avoid attending any Church that has an American flag displayed, anywhere in the building; are we pledging allegiance to war criminals... at what is supposed to be God's Church? Even without pledging, the American flag is and has always been a pagan symbol - that's why its used on bikinis, sexy video game characters, etc. If it wasn't a Satanic symbol, the higher Luciferians would avoid using it in their art designs, commercials, company logos, etc.

As for the Sabbath, yeah, I can't argue with you after you made so many points and actually looked into it, when people aren't merely open to being wrong (including religious scholars, most of which openly don't have true faith). I wouldn't be surprised if it's really supposed to be Thursday, Saturday, or any other day than Sunday, at this point. In any case, and perhaps more importantly, Sunday in this country, seems to be 'Christian-friendly Football Day,' which is a great way to ruin the Sabbath, sadly. Imagine going to Church, getting home, kicking up your legs, cracking open a beer... and cheering for some team that doesn't even know that you exist! That is, living in the world, doing as the world does, drowning oneself in a pagan distraction.

And, God forbid, actually going out and *playing* sports, instead of watching it on TV?! Maybe they're getting exercise in on the weekdays, since that isn't "doing work on the Sabbath." 😆

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Yeah, people who to this day remain diehard Republican fans are steeping drowned in the enticing cultism. I remember I myself half a decade back was a relatively fervent Republican sympathizer, though Jan. 6 and the subsequent cascade of mango Kool-Aid snapped me out of it. The people who witnessed that episode with their own eyes for months upon months and still believe the present GOP direction will genuinely save America probably possess some syndrome. Ben Carson is definitely suspicious -- he's a lone Seventh-day Adventist voice shilling for Trumpism right as he was/is a top featured speaker at official SDA events.

I agree broadly that at the *religious* level it very much constitutes antichrist/Satanic for anyone to attempt syncretizing nationalism into Christianity.

Just looked also into Baucham closer -- apparently he was "educated" in the theological complex of the Dallas-Fort Worth nexus which produced the previous generations of Anglo-Masonic "dispensationalist" shills for the Zionist Fourth Reich and also ecumenical alliances with the RCC. Highly suspicious at the very least.

Yeah, the American flag is filled with pentagrams, for one. Since America has for a long while outed its dragon characteristics on the world stage by running regime change after regime change, I guess it spared everyone else the trouble of factually identifying its flag with Satanic principles.

Glad to hear you find my points of value concerning the seventh-day Sabbath; it's definitely nice that you with an open mind investigated into the debate yourself since -- yes -- a lot of people out there won't search, pray, and consider with an open mind the possibility they are wrong.

> "Imagine going to Church, getting home, kicking up your legs, cracking open a beer... and cheering for some team that doesn't even know that you exist!"

Reminds me, from what I hear apparently a significant bulk of "Protestant" churches at this rate sound no better -- if even worse -- than sports culture. Both are Masonically controlled from the top down and therefore "controlled opposition" used to fill in the spiritual/psychological gaping emptiness with meaningless junk, distractions, and/or psyops. To sort of add onto what you're saying, the sports culture of this nation's culture is FWIW enough to sufficiently hoodwink its spiritually ensnared victims with or without "Christian" co-optation. That Pledge of Allegiance in of itself proves the stadium full of deluded reprobates are putting another god before the God of heaven.

Yeah, I also never understood the obsession with *watching* sports. If you need those hours of entertainment, why not stick to some classic TV shows or play some quality video games like Super Mario Galaxy? "Sports" is just throwing a ball back and forth in different patterns; what's so interesting about *watching* that as a preoccupied hobby? Not to mention that if all these Ameridiots who complain of societal problems spent the time divested into watching sports instead into volunteering to feed the poor, this country might have a few less problems. Oh wait, it's easier demanding the government fix something than step up and take the bottom-up initiative yourself.

As to the "Sabbath" rest as ambiguously conflated by lazy Sunday Shills, the problem is that by turning to worldly entertainment these people outright disregard the divine precept: the weekly day of rest is a rest from worldly preoccupations, not a rest TO follow one's own ways and pleasure. (Isa. 58:13)

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Man is imperfect, yet still being imperfect, tries to wish God into being, in this life. With that said? I'll take what the Constitution of these United States, over any other, imperfect as it may be.

God does reign Supreme. Seek the next world to find the Truth.

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> "I'll take what the Constitution of these United States, over any other, imperfect as it may be"

So much for "no other gods before me." Critical thinking clearly isn't a criteria for becoming an Orange Bolshevist bootlicker.

And guess who created the United States? https://www.jamesjpn.net/conspiracy/the-jesuit-led-vatican-and-the-anglo-american-israeli-empire/

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CPI Corruptions Index: Exists.

US isn't even in the top 20 when it comes to least government corruption. We're constantly *told* (repetition becomes perception) we have more rights than pretty much every other country, but unlike, say, Asians, we're the only ones stupid enough to actually believe that we're 'free,' without having lived around the world to see there are arguably, and I would even say objectively, better places to live.

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Yeah, it's 100% a complete joke: everyone *demands* the federal government protect them, so totalitarianism wrapped under the guise of "security" is passed off as "protecting freedom."

Oh, lol, I'm actually ethnically Asian myself. Among my cohorts of the same "ethnocultural" upbringing as I grew up (absolutely miserably) in, those of us NOT brainwashed into woke supremacy (because among typical ethnically Chinese individuals here in America, one-third are "assimilated" ultra-liberal woke Democrat voters, another third are unassimilated CCP shills, and the remaining third are too busy with daily life to care or comment on what's going on) indeed are all aware of the completely upside-down lunacy most people are brainwashed into. One of my friends is already intent on moving out of this Greatest Nation In The World™.

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Let's be honest, and I know this because they're in my own family, these "Christian Republicans" don't actually take the time to ponder on Bible lessons, or anything they [should have if they actually cared] learned at church. In addition to no other gods, there's also several verses telling us that we are not to trust man. Republican-christians (government controlled brainwashed people who aren't much better than leftists) are doing just that, counting on, AND trusting, the orange Dorito-/"Cheeto Jesus," DJT.

As you have already discussed in-depth, it's that damn PRS dialect that got us here; the media has portrayed Trump as "the victim" for a long time... Yet, here he is, president AGAIN... Yet we know Bilderberg, CFR, The Trilateral Commission, Atlantic Co et al hand-picked the 2025 president probably years ago, as any corrupt and/or captured government would never allow their citizens to choose (and the fact it's binary, in this case between Trump and Kamala shows there never really was a choice, just the illusion of choice).

Trump is simply one of the most effective characters on the world stage. For a while there, his acting was so good that he had me rather completely fooled. In my defense, I never actually loved the guy, I just thought he was rather tough, and I knew he could at best make my life a tad better when he got in 2016 which he probably did. As soon as he recommended that damned poison-jab, I knew he was just as bad as anyone else and lost any and all faith in the guy.

[...Yeah good point about there being pentagrams on the flag. Makes it extra bad, knowing many churches I've been to have the American flag hung up somewhere in the building. The American flag is really no less Satanic than the rainbow flag. Pledge to die for a country that hates my guts? Ha, I'm never pledging allegiance again - that's MY pledge!]

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> "there's also several verses telling us that we are not to trust man"

Oh, yes, definitely:

- "Trust ye not in a friend, put ye not confidence in a guide: keep the doors of thy mouth from her that lieth in thy bosom." (Mic. 7:5)

- "But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men." (Matt. 15:9)

- "If any man teach otherwise, and consent not to wholesome words, even the words of our Lord Jesus Christ, and to the doctrine which is according to godliness; he is proud, knowing nothing, but doting about questions and strifes of words, whereof cometh envy, strife, railings, evil surmisings, perverse disputings of men of corrupt minds, and destitute of the truth, supposing that gain is godliness: FROM SUCH WITHDRAW THYSELF." (I Tim. 6:3-5)

> "orange Dorito-/"Cheeto Jesus," DJT"


> "Bilderberg, CFR, The Trilateral Commission, Atlantic Co et al hand-picked the 2025 president probably years ago"

Yeah, more or less. I'm actually inclined to believe those echelons may not have had the "direct" role of knighting/exalting civic leaders into the spotlight, that instead these decisions are made by the papal Black Nobility, Jesuit Order, and Knights of Malta.

> "between Trump and Kamala shows there never really was a choice, just the illusion of choice"

Dumpster fire with mean tweets or dumpster fire with fake "joy"! Oh, did you read my commentary on the Clementine-Kamella debate, de Rothschild? https://adversusbabylon.substack.com/p/assessing-the-mango-caesarku-klux

> "his acting was so good that he had me rather completely fooled. In my defense, I never actually loved the guy, I just thought he was rather tough"

Quite relatable in all honesty. The way the NWO uses these tactics and particular puppets in plain sight... just incredible.

> "As soon as he recommended that damned poison-jab"

Oh, interesting. What struck me as jarring and irritating was that he initially (and rightfully) promoted hydroxychloroquine, and after the MSM/liberal TDS backlash he backed down despite strong evidence proving that HCQ when taken early DOES effectively treat COVID-19 when administered with zinc and azithromycin (I think also with vitamin D3?).

> "The American flag is really no less Satanic than the rainbow flag. Pledge to die for a country that hates my guts? Ha, I'm never pledging allegiance again - that's MY pledge!"

Yeah, it's rich when mangomonger "paytreeotz" simultaneously complain of the rainbow flag when shilling for the American one considering this country funded a gay neo-Nazi color revolution in Ukraine a decade ago.

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Yep, I can't really argue with that: the Papal Black Nobility, Jesuit Order, and Knights of Malta are always safe bets, I was just going off what I heard from some 'baby-troofers' about Larry Fink supposedly being ''the one'' who chose Biden. You know how those baby-truthers love to use stuff like Blackrock as the big boogeyman, which is absolutely valid as they DO own/run everything; but when you think about it, Larry Fink probably has ZERO issues with the orange savior of the entire right-wing market. Trump is "enemies" with Fink, like he's 'enemies' with Obama - it's all fake, they're all buddies behind closed doors. Trump only makes BlackRock richer...

And as for his tactics, Trump seems 100% trained by some Luciferian-Catholic order, I just never bothered to make a distinction between them, since they all do the same thing.

My current 6 top youtube channels actually worth subbing:

Dayz of Noah




Following Christ (main channel is "Spiritual Logic")


Know Them By Their Fruit (basic stuff, smaller channel)


Jake The "A" (covers poli-tricks every now and then)


Walter Veith / Clash of Minds (which you're probably already subbed)


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Just checked into Fink: on top of CFR and WEF leadership involvement, he's also ethnically "Jewish" so it looks like a typical case of NWO consiprators using court Jews as middleman proxies to lend false credence towards the good ol' "iTz tEh jUizE" canard.

> "Trump is 'enemies' with Fink, like he's 'enemies' with Obama - it's all fake, they're all buddies behind closed doors"

Yeah, I remember at least two Clash of Minds episodes -- namely one last year in the spring -- on a similar note showing a clip of one government whistleblower asserting all taxpayer money ultimately gets siphoned to the Jesuits and that behind the scenes there's absolutely no conflict between the *seemingly* "warring" financial interests at the highest levels.

> "Trump seems 100% trained by some Luciferian-Catholic order, I just never bothered to make a distinction between them, since they all do the same thing"

Hmm, let's be a bit cautious about how we use term "Catholic" here, because "Catholicism" is simply the outward propagation of the sanitized-fake sugarcoated version of the Templar ideology. 33rd-degree Freemasonic occult expert Albert Pike wrote: "The Templars, like all other Secret Orders and Associations, had two doctrines, one concealed and reserved for the Masters, which was Johannism; the other public, which was the Roman Catholic." https://www.google.com/books/edition/Morals_and_Dogma_of_the_Ancient_and_Acce/tNetDwAAQBAJ?hl=en&gbpv=1&dq=morals+and+dogma+johannism&pg=PA526&printsec=frontcover

Remember, what the large majority of the globe ASSUME to be "Catholicism" is not what the insider levels of the Vatican know to be the true duplicitous nature at its core. AFAIK it's better to be cautious about the "sensitive" way these issues get addressed and come across because there are many Catholics who we ought to inform and educate as gracious servants of Christ rather than alienate and repel them into ever-darker corners of the planet by being too brash, because sadly most people probably aren't aware of what you and I have been educated on. For both of us we know that Catholicism at its highest levels is occultic, but most of the planet isn't quite fully aware.

Sure, will try to remember to check out those channels a bit later; presently I have a biblical chiasmus project to work on (finished analyzing the double-chiasm of Malachi, I'm relatively certain). As to Clash of Minds, yes I am indeed subscribed although -- I'll be very bluntly honest -- I am not a fan of what Walter Veith in recent years has become. From my instinctive impression, when he made those Total Onslaught lectures all those years/decades ago he still seemed to embody a mentality of humility, though ever since cir. the past decade Veith has become a complete shill for SDA "we're the remnant church" exceptionalism.

The other thing (which I'll address to you now ahead of time): I haven't heard one statement from Walter Veith or other SDA leaders expressing any sympathy for the suffering Palestinians of Gaza in over the past year. They always put on this lip service claiming to represent God's values, yet at the end of the day are more concerned with the relatively well-off and luxurious lives of people within the church rather than trying to fully reach out to the lost sheep still ensnared by the chains of this world. Recently I heard that the SDAs will show up at Mango Caesar's inauguration to "witness" (a.k.a. handing out Great Controversy copies) -- a) so much for sola scriptura, and b) why only care about reaching out to spoiled reprobate Americans who already repeatedly rejected the truth and completely ignore the suffering, crying, tearful, starving, rejected, and destitute people all around the world, namely in Gaza? If the "church" will not stand up for the afflicted innocent people of the world also created in God's image, should they expect that the living God will stand up for them when it's THEIR turn to be tried one day?

If there's one thing that makes me seethe, it's watching these so-called "devout Christian" channels arrogantly cloak themselves in authoritative piety while showing such careless disregard for the sufferings of humanity across the globe. (this is why I'll cite Walter Veith's old TO lectures when helpful, but not so much his Clash of Minds content)

"Then shall he answer them, saying, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye did it not to one of the least of these, ye did it not to me." (Matt. 25:45)

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Oh believe me I agree with much all of that, same with that Cliffe Knechtly guy and his son (who I believe were funded by Charlie Kirk/Turning Point USA; just a guess): never talks about the Palestinian-homicide, only shilling Israel until finally prompted about it.

Yeah the average Catholic doesn't understand the occult matter, but what Walter says about Catholicism is still true, it's ultimately ran by a bunch of Luciferians. Half my family is Catholic, so I see how the ritualistic aspect of Catholicism especially keeps them in the dark.

Hopefully you know this, but I am not saying Catholics are simply bad Christians, or that they're getting everything wrong like Walter Veith pushes; Most Christians in this country are bad Christians, as I always mention, so the 'brand' of Christianity doesn't matter too much as long as it's Biblical, and as long as the person has a strong relationship with Jesus Christ. It's the relationship that is most important.

But ultimately, the truth is literally on a spectrum, going from completely lost to actually "seeking" which with the help of the Holy Spirit reveals truths at a pace that is just right for the seeker. Catholics like I said get *way* too caught up in rituals, pray to saints, and Mary, and have the same poisonous attachment to politics and political figures that most protestants here in the West have. I'm not hating on someone for being Catholic, Protestant, etc., but boy, do I ever hate low vigilance! The Bible says that we are to be careful "watchers." Most people aren't doing that - at all.

The "YouTube Christians" I ultimately *would* recommend the most to anyone are preachers Paul Washer; and the late, Timothy Keller. Those two preachers will give you an idea of what my beliefs are, if interested you could always check them out. Paul Washer pretty much never stated anything I disagree with, I find him absolutely spot-on. He's had a rough life, too (sickness, injuries, saw his father drop dead in front of him, etc), which is good for discernment.

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Do you live in the US? Is there a better country in your opinion?

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Is this all you ☭Trump☭-worshipping Communists do when confronted with facts, resort to whataboutist deflection? How pitiful!

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Repubs really are a bunch of commies! I'm looking forward to the upcoming "switch," of the controllers having Democrat candidates be the ones with any common sense, and anti-authoritarian talking points.

The smarter Repub "voters" will then have to go blue! The Democrats will be the dangerous "conspiracy theorists." Actually, that already happened: CNN heavily questioned the fake "ear shooting." They weren't going to outright call it fake, but that's part of the game, after all; CNN and MSNBC is just the other side of the coin to, say, Fox News and Newsmax.

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Yeah, it's also like that with the free speech wars. The lefties were all for justifying censorship of whatever is arbitrarily deemed "hate speech" until the right-wingers beat them at their own game and used the fake excuse of "aNt1s3miT1zM" to shut down college protests over Gaza.

It's only a sin to worship Baal when my enemies do it!

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Neal - there are always better countries. Have *you* ever lived anywhere else?

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You never answered my question sir. What Country do you reside in? If not the US, describe a better one to live, starting with one that has a freedom of speech as the 1st right, followed by the 2nd, in which to defend the 1st?

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You actually expect your Communist whataboutism to receive a straight answer? LOL

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"Freedom of speech(tm)" is entirely deceptive - anyone with common sense already figured that out. We don't actually have true 'freedom of speech' in the US - and yes, no other country does, either, because World Government government has been in place for decades already. The "freedom of speech" lie is why, at least partly, old-timers like you believe stupid sources of information like X, Twitter, forbes, Newsmax, etc. - they give the illusion, of [something resembling] free speech, but in reality, they never talk about anything of substance or importance in the real world.

Trump obviously doesn't support free speech, either; he likes free speech only for himseif, perhaps. But he literally said that anti-semites should be punished, jailed, put away, or killed. He said this because he has Zionist handlers, and he obviously always has, and they're pushing anything but free speech.

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But what scribe to is so much better reasoning.

Keep believing dude...

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