Assessing the Mango Caesar/Ku Klux Kamala debate
Warning: Zionazi shilling levels exceed EPA toxicity limits. Proceed with caution.
Yes, I watched the full (and unbearably terrible) clownshow. Analysis time…
Ex. I: Harris quietly admits woeful economic dynamics
The AIPAC coadjutor vice president was asked in the beginning of the debate whether she believes everyday residents of the United States of Nazisrael “America” (yes, the Fourth Reich was brought up in the debate—I will mention that soon…) “are better off than they were four years ago.” Her response:
… ’cuz here’s the thing: we know that we have a shortage of homes and housing, and the cost of housing is too expensive for far too many people. …I intend on extending a tax cut for those families of $6,000, which is the largest tax credit that we have given in a long time…
And, of course, effectively exonerating the Vegetable-in-Chief of all responsibility by unilaterally blaming Trump and corporations.1 Kamella’s claim of a “Trump sales tax” is notably listed by a mainstream liberal “fact-checker” as “unsubstantiated.”2
Ex. II: Trump swings ‘left’
Trump’s immediate response curiously included the following:
…we have millions of people pouring into our country, from prisons and jails, from mental institutions and insane asylums, and they’re coming in and they’re taking jobs that are occupied right now by African Americans and Hispancs, and also unions. Unions are going to be affected very soon.
And, of course, the usual talking point about Biden/Harris-enabled illegal migrants degenerating cities into hotbeds of crime. As to the exact factual extent of those claims, I don’t have all the time in the world to sift between the MSM’s neo-Marxist whitewash and right-wing medias’ inflated fearmongering. That said, there is a broad pattern to the border crisis relevant to the NWO I shall address last…
Ex. III: liberal fakespiration
The Exalted Mistress of the Knights of the Ku Klux Kamala believes “very strongly”:
…that the American people want a president who understands the importance of bringing us together knowing we have so much more in common than what separates us, and I pledge to you to be a president for all Americans.
“All Americans.” Really? Her own party’s convention begs to differ!345
Mind you: the Zionazism will get even more explicit. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.
Ex. IV: Ku Klux Kamala out-’red-baits’ Trump
This is a recurring debate theme: minus Harris’s superficial “left-wing” social positions, one would mistaken her for a McCain/Bush/Romney Republican. And yes, she accused Trump of “selling out” the U.S. to China. I’m not going to analyze the Trump Administration’s trade/foreign policy for sake of posting space, though just let it sink in for a moment that the public face of the Democratic Party panders this desperately to neoconic-fascistic warmongering.
Also, unilaterally blaming China’s president for COVID-19:
…we know that Xi was responsible for lacking and not giving us transparency on the origins of COVID.
Ah, yes, let’s just entirely ignore the Fauci-Daszak cabal!6
Ex. V: abortion
Actually, I’m not going to extensively bother on the issue itself—it’s all the same old mantra as the past months: Dems accuse GOP of conspiring on behalf of a national abortion ban, Trump recalcitrating to the left on “states’ rights”7 grounds. The only notable mention is that Trump initially confused Virginia for West Virginia in harping over Ralph Northam’s infamous statements. Even Mar-a-Lago’s Emperor-King Majesty isn’t free from the grips of Bidementia sometimes…
That said, there are a few “side notes” during the abortion discussion ever-so-slightly worth mentioning in a few brief sections…
Ex. VI: Mango Caesar ruthlessly throws an Ohio resident under the bus
The “Ohio resident” here in question is—of course—James David Bowman. Er, I mean, “J. D. Vance.” Anticipation of an incoming lawsuit for the atrocious felony of deadnaming shall now be at the top of my mental priorities. Anyways: when questioned by the moderator on Vance’s announcement8 that Trump would veto national abortion ban legislation, the Emperor of Mar-a-Lago had this to say:
Well, I didn’t discuss it with J. D. in all fairness… and I don’t mind if he has a certain view but I think he was speaking for me and I really didn’t.
Ex. VII: Harris *accidentally* admits economic downturn
Listen to the Exalted Mistress’s admission for yourself:
What is happening in our country? Working people, working women, who are working one or two jobs, who care barely afford childcare as it is…
Oh, wait, I thought “Bidenomics” was working? No?
Ex. VIII: Trump pushes ‘Haitian migrants eating the pets’ canard
Unsurprising. Not going to comment any further at the moment, since the broader “migrant invasion” narrative will be analyzed at the end anyways.
Ex. IX: Holocaust Harris boasts of est. GOP neofascistic endorsements
Mind you: the debate was on the eve of the 23rd anniversary (today, as of this author’s typing) of 9/11. What did Richard B. “Dick” Cheney do on that day? Let’s see…91011
Kamella Harris would like to smugly remind you that she has:
…the endorsement of 200 Republicans who have formally worked with President [sic] Bush, Mitt Romney, and John McCain, including the endorsement of former Vice President Dick Cheney and Congress member Liz Cheney.
By the way! John McCain was a traitor to American POWs stranded in Vietnam.12 He also outspoken right-wing supporter of Ukrainian Nazis (in case you forgot), especially Svoboda’s neo-Hitlerite figurehead Oleh Tranny- 13 Tyahnybok.1415
As you will see very soon, Harris—predictably enough—displayed her Ukronazi shilling credentials in the debate. Birds of a feather flock together…
Ex. X: moderators waste time bemoaning 1/6 for the six-thousand undecazillionth time
Trump of course still wouldn’t care. What idiot would expect otherwise? Sometimes news anchors need to quit giving actual medically-designated “retards” a bad name.
Ex. XI: Ku Klux Kamala invokes Charlottesville ‘very fine people’ canard against Mango Caesar, proceeds to shill for Ukronazis
If you didn’t already realize, American mainstream “liberals” only worry about neo-Nazis when it conveniently serves their narrative of association-fallacy slandering Trump supporters en masse.16 Not as if alt-right hijacking of the political “right” isn’t an issue—that’s to be addressed another time, because this ranting-excuse-of-a-post took long enough to compile today.
First off, even liberal-leaning Snopes considers the “Trump called neo-Nazis and white supremacists ‘very fine people’” notion to be false.17 Secondly, criticisms of Orange Bolshevism’s aptitude for unsavory ties to alt-right/neo-Nazi racists are perfectly legitimate. The only other problem with Harris’s “seizing-on” is that she openly supports the (Judeo-)Nazi18 puppet regime of Ukraine as later invoked.
Ex. XII: moderators pivot to 1/6 *again*
Still haven’t even brought up the Gaza Holocaust.
Ex. XIII: Fourth Reich/Palestine war finally is raised (at long last)
As you can guess, Ku Klux Kamala outspokenly propagated Zionazi scapegoating of “kHaMaZ” on the charge of having “slaughtered 1,200 Israelis,” never mind—oh, I don’t know—the already two-months old news of the Hannibal Directive?19 It gets even better worse: this was (probably) the only point of the debate where Harris decidedly avoided attacking Mango at all. Let that sink in.
She also of course paid lip service on an obviously insincere vow to “work around the clock” for a hostage/ceasefire deal. It most certainly didn’t mask her true intent:
But the one thing I will assure you always: I WILL ALWAYS GIVE ISRAEL THE ABILITY TO DEFEND ITSELF, in particular as it relates to Iran and any threat that Iran and its proxies pose to Israel.
Mar-a-Lago Emperor’s response? Harris “hates Israel” and proof for this is that she superficially didn’t attend Adolf Netanyahu’s address to Congress. Did you also know that Israel would be gone in “two years” in the circumstance of a Harris presidency? Neither did I until Orange Bolshevism’s Supreme Leader delivered this shocking bombshell expose. You decide whether this fits into his aptitude for lying.20
Consider the horse’s mouth: the Judeonazi JC boasts of the Exalted Mistress’s “long-standing and rock solid” “support for the Jewish [sic] state”:21
Ex. XIV: Harris panders to the Polish vote
Just as the Vegeocratic Führer did in the first debate—hypocritically fearmongering about “Russian imperialism” to rile up Polish-Americans. Willie Brown’s former mistress of three decades his junior also says that Ukraine stands:
…as an independent and free country.
“Independent and free country.” Because ignorace is strength.2223
Now, Ku Klux Kamala’s overtures to Pennsylvania’s 700-800 thousand Polish-Americans was very explicit.24 Too bad she couldn’t express equal solidarity with Arabs… anyways: it’s not hard to spot the expedient opportunism here—the “Polish vote” is (semi-)pivotal in swing states,25 and Harris clearly is trying to compensate the lost Arab/Muslim vote attributable solely to her Judeonazi bootlicking:26
Ex. XV: Willie Brown’s mistress lies about Afghanistan
From the horse’s mouth:
…I agreed with President Biden’s decision to pull out of Afghanistan. Four presidents said they would, and Joe Biden did. And as a result, American taxpayers are not paying the $300 million/day we were paying for that endless war, and as of today, there is not one member of the United States military who is in active duty, in a combat zone, in any war zone around the world, the first time this century.
Because instead, taxpayer dollars will fund the drastically more noble cause of infrastructure healthcare public education police reform arming reactionary Ukrainian Nazis and Fourth Reich Judeonazis! Also:27
Bonus: moderator brings up Trump’s ‘she happened to turn black’ comment
Yes, everyone knows: Mango Caesar spouts the most outrageously silly and nonsensical diatribes. That this point is given esssentially equal weight to the Fourth Reich-Palestine matter is beyond farcically absurd on the part of the ABC moderators.
Piecing the full picture
For the record: this post is not intended as an apologia for Orange Bolshevism. It just so happened that Mango Caesar was unapologetically open about his xenophobically motivated loudmouth agenda while Ku Klux Kamala played slick, jerking her body around in tandem with arrogant smirkiness, all accompanied with the occasional kackle cackle as she superficially used a “left-wing” garb to mask her elitist, reactionary, neocon shilling credentials.
“And at the time of the end shall the king of the south push at him: and the king of the north shall come against him like a whirlwind, with chariots, and with horsemen, and with many ships; and he shall enter into the countries, and shall overflow and pass over.”
—Daniel 11:40
I’m not going to devote this post explaining the full gist of historicist Christian eschatology, but let’s just suppose for now that the “southern” power mentioned reflects the secular-“leftist” power in direct tension to the “right-wing”/theocratic embodiment of the “northern” power. The Mango-Kamella clownshow “debate” instinctively (IMO) gives the impression of providing a glimpse of Dan. 11:40, especially in light of this recurring debate theme: Harris was “obnoxiously” provocative as a smirky agitator, and Trump would boldly/forcefully come back on her talking points with a “relatable” message of seizing on anger directed against Biden-Harris incompetence.
This is where the border issue is relevant: the entire crisis is designed to serve Vatican interests as a dialectically coordinated schematic: the “Marxist” pro-“open borders” ideology was the product of Jesuit liberation theology (and mind you, the “illegal migrants” by and large are Latin American Catholics), and Orange Bolshevist mangomongerism (broadly speaking)—which vows to militantly shut down unauthorized border trespassings—is the product of the more traditional Jesuit theocracist “ultra-hard right” ideology. Whether Trump manages to accomplish the deportation of the “illegal aliens” is irrelevant from the NWO standpoint: either way, a second term of Orange Bolshevism secures the Jesuit/Vatican/Knights of Malta agenda of transforming America into a papal subsidiary.
Make no mistake: American “politics” is as far removed from any notion of liberal-democratic free will as the east is from the west. These nearly-four years of Biden-Harris ineptitude were designed to induce the woe “necessary” for the American population—eventually fed up enough—to vote in an ultra-frenzied “Christian Nationalist” theocracist agenda in the name of “taking back stability and morality from woke degeneracy.” For my (greatly appreciated) faithful readers who reside in the United States of Nazisrael and elsewhere: be on high alert. The upcoming months may at any point quickly descend into unprecedented levels of mass societal strife, especially in the U.S. after the November elections. Pay all the more close attention when the gasoline is “quietly” being poured so the later-suddenly erupting massive flames don’t catch you by surprise.
Not that corporate monopolies aren’t to blame—rather, the co-opting of truth by lying charlants is the recurring problematic theme.
Christine Sellers (Sep. 10, 2024), “FACT CHECK: Fact-Checking Harris’ Claim That Trump Wants To Impose A ‘National Sales Tax,’” Check Your Fact.
Abdallah Fayyad (Apr. 22, 2024), “The DNC was avoiding controversy — then it refused to give Palestinians airtime,” Vox.
Charles Nash (Aug. 20, 2024), “DNC Attendee Smacks Woman in Hijab With ‘We Love Joe’ Sign After She Unfurls Protest Banner During Biden Speech,” Mediaite.
Jacob Magid (Jul. 17, 2024), “Bucking far-left flank, Democrats advance platform touting support for Israel,” The Times of Israel.
Sharon Lerner, Mara Hvistendahl, Maia Hibbett (Sep. 9, 2021), “NIH Documents Provide New Evidence U.S. Funded Gain-of-Function Research in Wuhan,” The Intercept.
Quite literally, a rehash of Stephen Douglas’s “popular sovereignty.”
Jill Colvin (Aug. 25, 2024), “Trump would veto legislation establishing a federal abortion ban, Vance says,” Associated Press.
Esther Schrader (Jun. 18, 2004), “Cheney Gave Order to Shoot Down Jets,” Los Angeles Times.
Michael S. Rosenwald (Sep. 11, 2020), “‘Take it out’: On 9/11, Cheney’s harrowing orders to shoot down U.S. airliners,” The Washington Post.
Garrett M. Graff (Jul. 17, 2023), “Behind the 9/11 White House Order to Shoot Down U.S. Airliners: ‘It Had to be Done,’” History Channel.
R. Cort Kirkwood (Aug. 26, 2018), “McCain Was No Maverick on POWs,” The New American.
Maham Javaid, Dan Bilefsky (Aug. 2, 2022), “War Spurs Ukrainian Efforts to Legalize Same-Sex Marriage,” The New York Times.
Adam Taylor (Dec. 16, 2023), “John McCain Went To Ukraine And Stood On Stage With A Man Accused Of Being An Anti-Semitic Neo-Nazi,” Business Insider.
Mar. 30, 2014, “Analysis: U.S. Cozies Up to Kiev Government Including Far Right,” NBC News.
Not that the average Orange Bolshevist deserves incredibly high esteem, for the record.
Taija Perry Cook (Jun. 20, 2024), “No, Trump Did Not Call Neo-Nazis and White Supremacists ‘Very Fine People,’” Snopes.
Since liberals insistly emphasize Zelensky’s “Jewish” background, I will accordingly update the designation status of the Ukrainian government from “Nazi” to “Judeo-Nazi.” :)
Yaniv Kubovich (Jul. 7, 2024), “IDF Ordered Hannibal Directive on October 7 to Prevent Hamas Taking Soldiers Captive,” Haaretz.
Gino Spocchia (Jan. 21, 2021), “Final tally of lies: Analysts say Trump told 30,000 mistruths – that’s 21 a day – during presidency,” The Independent.
Hen Mazzig (Jul. 24, 2024), “It’s entirely wrong to accuse Kamala Harris of not having Israel’s back,” The Jewish Chronicle.
Caroline Downey (Mar. 20, 2022), “Zelensky Suspends Ukrainian Opposition Parties with Ties to Russia,” National Review.
Emily Feng (Jul. 8, 2022), “Zelenskyy has consolidated Ukraine's TV outlets and dissolved rival political parties,” NPR.
Fallon Roth (Sep. 11, 2024), “Kamala Harris gave Polish Americans in Pa. a rare moment in the spotlight during the debate against Trump in Philadelphia,” The Philadelphia Inquirer.
Dominik Stecula (Oct. 11, 2019), “Trump is moving to secure the Polish American vote in 2020. Here’s how.” The Washington Post.
Yasmine El-Sabawi (Sep. 10, 2024), “US elections 2024: Jill Stein leads with Muslim-American voters in three swing states, survey shows,” Middle East Eye.
Kim Hjelmgaard (Sep. 11, 2024), “Kamala Harris was wrong when she said there are no U.S. troops in combat zones,” USA Today.
Thank you for this post. I enjoyed reading it. I tried watching the debate in its entirety, but couldn’t stand the bad actors and moderators. Both clowns really showed their mediocre intellect and lack of a plan and vision.
that sure was a wild ride :)